
In Memory of Ginny         12/17/2006 – 3/10/2022

Ginny was found by a great friend with her two kittens during a TNR (trap, neuter, return) operation at a local colony. She did not look well, so was taken to our hospital where tests revealed a positive diagnosis for leukemia for her and her kittens. The ‘return’ part of TNR then became a less attractive option for a FeLV kitty so Ginny came to live at the sanctuary. Her kittens, Rocky and Wren, were adopted. All our kitties that have leukemia at the sanctuary mostly live together in Cookies Place, but there are some that do not do well in a group setting. Ginny recovered well but she was a very shy girl around most people,and a little hesitant around too many other kitties as well. When we first met her, we always thought of her as the shy timid girl who would run away from us. Well, our beautiful brown tabby girl was very shy but she was certainly not timid!

At the old sanctuary, Ginny was able to be herself. She lived in the house with just a few other roommates. It was quiet and suited her; she felt safe. We would see her, would play hide and seek with her, and even got to pet her when she felt in the mood for pets. This is when we knew she was certainly not timid. Precious Ginny could give you “that look”, that” I dare you” look, the look that could stop you in your tracks and make you back away. Pet me one more time and I’m going to swat you! And she did, many times!

When we moved to the new sanctuary, we knew that all our kitties were going to love it, and they do, but we knew Ginny would have a hard time settling in since she was such a shy girl. Doing what is best for all our cats always at Shadow Cats, Ginny stayed at the old sanctuary and was fostered by the Smiths. She continued to live a calmer and quieter life, with the best care and her every need taken care of. She was comfortable and she had her people in The Smiths.

Over the past months Ginny has been declining, diagnosed with lymphoma, and she began to get frail. Ginny has lived a long life for a kitty diagnosed with leukemia – 16 years old. She has lived at the sanctuary for most of her years and truly lived HER life. We loved her for who she was. She has been safe, had every comfort, and been cared for not only by all at Shadow Cats but by her person, Sheila. Ginny was a special girl. She was also so pretty, a light brown tabby with beautiful markings and, this was so cute, one of her front paws was a different color – just her toes! So cute, we would always say to her when we saw her, ’Hello Ginny with the cute toes’.

In the last couple of years, she did allow a few of us the sheer pleasure of crawling into our laps or snuggling beside us, and it was wonderful! It was so special to see Ginny expand her world and become a little more social. But, we were ever on the alert for “the look”. 😊

As a beautiful gesture and so very special, Ginny was adopted by her special person, Sheila, a few weeks ago. She snuggled every night with her, was pampered and had the best care. As with age and illness Ginny had become a bit picky of late with food, but she had grown very fond of the canned Vienna sausages; she always knew when that can was opened, and her little face would light up when they were offered, go figure!

Today was her day to bid us farewell. She told us she was ready. Ginny left this world knowing she was loved deeply by many, she passed gently and ever so peacefully cradled in the arms of her special person. This shy but spicy girl will be missed so very much. Rest easy, precious Ginny, be at peace. You were very much loved. We celebrate your life. Soar on your angel wings, pretty girl. Our feisty girl, you sure were very special.

Ginny is reunited with Madison. These two older ladies spent much time together and Madison has been waiting to welcome her across the Rainbow Bridge. The tears flow, but they will dry and smiles will return. The memories will always be in our hearts and knowing these two old gals are together again is a comfort to us all. They are telling stories, chatting away, they are strong and healed.

Special thank you to Emily J who rescued her and to all her sponsors, our staff and volunteers and especially to the Smiths for fostering and then adopting this precious girl.

”Once a Shadow Cat, always a Shadow Cat”