
In March of 2024, Shadow Cats was contacted by a volunteer from Rainbow Journey Sanctuary. She informed us of a sad situation that resulted in a very uncertain future for the kitties at their Sanctuary, and we were happy to help! We took on three kitties from Rainbow Journey Sanctuary, and have been working towards getting them as comfy as possible in their new homes. One of those kitties is Dottie!

Dottie has a condition called Eosiniphilic Granuloma Complex where small plaques form in her mouth. We currently do not know what triggers this condition, but research suggests it could be tied to allergies. Thankfully, the condition is easily managed, though it gives her mouth a slightly puffy appearance. We think it just adds to her cuteness! And boy, is she cute! Dottie loves people, loves affection, and on her last day of isolation decided it was time to join Oasis and climbed right over the baby gate and into the living room! She walked around the room like she’s lived here for years, and we already love her like that’s the case!

Dottie has 3 Sponsors

Pam Lind

Shirley Johson

Marian Mitchell

click to enlarge
May 14, 2020
Number of sponsors