
Stevie had been living on the streets of Dallas, which is a hard life at any time but especially if you are having to fend for yourself, you’re FeLV+ and you have vision problems. We have no idea how long Stevie had been living like this but she was taken to the SPCA of Texas where they worked to find a safe alternative for her. It turned out Shadow Cats had room and on October 7th, 2020, Stevie came to us.

After a full evaluation of her eyes and vision, including a second opinion, it was determined that she had no vision left at all, and in early December, both eyes were enucleated. That has not stopped Stevie! After a recovery period, she is up and moving freely about. She especially loves being out in the open catios and we have no idea how she knows how to jump from one shelf to another. We have no idea how she finds the litter pan without issue or how she seems to be completely aware of her surroundings but we are so happy that she is doing so well.

Stevie will never have to eke out a living on the streets or worry about her next meal.

Stevie has 5 Sponsors

Amy Juried

Irene Knott

Lori Harris

Jennifer Bristow

Kathryn Boccella

click to enlarge
October 15, 2019
Number of sponsors