
Whiskers sought refuge deep inside the engine of a car during the Big Freeze in Feb 2021. He wedged himself in tightly hoping to absorb the last vestiges of heat from the warm engine, not expecting it to be restarted so quickly. Unable to quickly extricate himself from his confines, Whiskers suffered debilitating burns over his chest and neck area as he worked himself free.

At the local shelter, he was given pain medications and the call quickly went out for rescue.  Fortunately, we were able to make room at Shadow Cats and he was transported to us from Longview, Tx.

Whiskers’ burns eventually healed and while he is unlikely to have fur in this area, he is alive and well! He has maintained his super sweet disposition and he loves attention and one on one time.

Whiskers isn’t a huge fan of having so many roommates and was not shy about letting his opinion be known. Happily, he just hit the foster jackpot! While he is still under the medical care and guardianship of Shadow Cats, he is a long term foster with one of our volunteers. Nancy and her husband welcomed Whiskers into their home, which was just what he needed. Now he naps on the couch or on a lap, knowing he is safe and loved.

Whiskers would love to have your sponsorship. While he is in a home and being loved to pieces, Shadow Cats remains responsible for his ongoing veterinary care. Thank you for caring!

Whiskers has 3 Sponsors

Nancy Henry

Holly Putnam

Michelle Robinette

click to enlarge
August 21, 2019
Number of sponsors