
Lilly0110/10/13 – 7/1/2016

Lilly came to Shadow Cats in 2013 along with her baby Louie. Louie succumbed to the leukemia virus quickly and Lilly mourned his passing. Lilly, named after the amazing Lilly Gato, gradually started to come out of her depression and began to live life again. She did however, let us quickly know that she wanted to have fewer roommates. She moved into the sunroom/bedroom area with Venus and Dakota and quickly acclimated to life as a house cat. Each night she slept curled up at the foot of the bed and expressed her love of life with deep purrs.

For several years she and Venus chased and played and gave life their very best while Dakota was comforted by their presence. Lilly was always diminutive in size but never in spirit. She dominated life with her sweetness.

Lilly left us today surrounded by all the love we could give her as she began her final passage.

Lilly04  Lilly03 Lilly02

Lilly had four sponsors

Barbara Bytnar

“Hoping you will live a long and fun life Lilly at Shadow Cats so you can take care of and play with your baby Louie! Looking forward to watching you!”
-Loren Allen

Robin Katchko

Kathy Gulley