
In Memory of Andy    01/27/10 – 12/06/16

andy_5136 Sometimes a cat looks at you and you feel an immediate connection that can’t be explained. It’s as if it always was. As though you were always a part of each other. That’s the way it was with Andy. As though he was somehow, someway, always a part of Shadow Cats. When a cat with that strong of a connection decides he has to leave us, it leaves an eternal mark on our hearts.  We are all forever changed for having known this little black and white cat.

We don’t know his whole story; how he came to be in such dire condition and living on the streets. We do know Andy came to the Austin Animal Shelter in rough shape and, when he was examined, he was found to be positive for both feline leukemia and FIV.  He was a loving and sweet boy who stole the hearts of all the staff who met him, so AAC placed him into a foster home until we could take him. While he was with his AAC foster mom, he gained almost a pound. Once at Shadow Cats, he received a full medical workup and he was found to have severe heart issues in addition to his other issues.

andy4lgAndy lived a full life at Shadow Cats. He forgot what it felt like to be hungry or cold or alone. He knew only a full belly and a soft bed and many friends. He especially enjoyed the kittens and spent many hours in the last few days grooming our newest Shadow Cat, Sandy. He found cozy spots to curl up for a nap, and an outdoor porch with sunbeams and lots of perches overlooking the creek. Life was good and that is what he remembered, that is what he took with him.

Thank you to Andy’s sponsors and all who cared about him, including his first foster mama. Thank you to our volunteers and kitty nannies who give never ending love and care.

Andy passed today surrounded by loving hands and hearts.  He leaves behind many who loved him dearly. We know that we often do have a lot of time with our special needs population so we make the most out of every single minute, every single day. No regrets, only love.  Rest easy, sweet Andy.

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Andy had 3 Sponsors

Mirjana Hrgovcic

Laurie Heupel

Geraldine Keba