
In Memory of Annabelle    8/06/2006 – 05/21/2017

It seems like Annabelle has been here forever, but in reality it’s only been a few years. She came to us as positive for leukemia, but on further testing it was FIV. She stayed at Shadow Cats and lived her life as a house kitty. Annabelle was a quirky little girl, but always, always, loving and sweet and most definitely would warm your lap any chance she got. She got along with everyone and was a joy to have her here.

Annabelle was fairly young, only 11, but she developed CRI (chronic renal insufficiency) several years ago. We battled it as well as we could and gave her many more months of quality life.

Several nights ago she developed some breathing issues related to CRI and anemia. We treated and watched her closely but tonight those issues became more pronounced and we had to make the decision to let her cross over. She left us gently tonight held in ever loving arms.

We thank her sponsors, our wonderful kitty nannies, our volunteers and all who care about cats everywhere.

Rest easy tonight, sweet Annabelle.


Annabelle had 3 Sponsors

Cherie Batsel

Gail Bischoff

“Annabelle, you stole my heart!”
-Sheila Smith