
In Memory of April    2/2/2015 – 1/12/2018

April came to us from a group who rescues FeLV+ cats from a high-kill municipal shelter and works very hard to find homes for them. For lucky April, that home was Cookie’s Place at our sanctuary.

April was always a shy girl and was cautious when approached. Over the years she progressed from running away, to nervously allowing pets, and finally leaning into the friendly fingers of loving volunteers. She was safe as a Shadow Cat, where she was cared for in Cookie’s Place and always had a warm place to sleep, good food, and love.

April started out yesterday seeming fine and enjoyed her breakfast. She was quiet during the day, which is not unusual for our shy girl, but later in the day her breathing became severely compromised due to probable lymphoma. The decision was made to let her pass peacefully with kind words in her ears and love all around her.

She will be missed by all of us who looked forward to seeing her and her freckled nose. Thank you so much for caring about this little girl who came to us to live her life with other feline leukemia cats and kittens. Our deepest appreciation to her sponsors who loved and cared for her – thank you so much for helping to give her a comfortable life as long as she was with us.

Rest in peace, sweet girl.


April had 3 sponsors

Susan Lederle

Lynne Pitts

Sheryl Mackey