
In Memory of Benji   6/9/2009 – 10/1/2020

Benji was so very special… We hope these words convey what he meant to us. This is the end of another era for Shadow Cats.

A little lonely feline leukemia kitten with not much hope of a future. A tiny ball of orange fluff, we welcomed Benji to the sanctuary. Today, just over 11 years later, Benji crossed the Rainbow Bridge from health issues related to leukemia, It was his time. He was held in the loving arms of his caregivers, so much love surrounding him. His passing was so peaceful and ever so gentle. He had feline leukemia as a kitten but he truly did live a wonderful life. Through the profound sadness we feel today we celebrate his life and the many years we were able to spend with him and love him.

Benji was the most precious kitten, and he grew into the most handsome young boy and as he grew older his good looks were even more striking especially with his toothy smile!

As a kitten Benji did everything a kitten should do – he played, he zoomed about, he ran up and down the shelves, he explored, and made friends. He made so many friends. Benji liked his own space sometimes, as we all do, but he was a very social boy and always right there in amongst any antics that were happening, always one of the gang. In his later years Benji loved to be outside, loved to watch the outdoor wildlife and he loved to sun himself, always stretched out, and this was how he spent his last few hours in the place he loved so much, outside and laying in the sun.

Benji was the biggest love bug. He loved to be cuddled and would sit on your shoulder and give the best kisses. One of the most popular kitties at the sanctuary, everyone loved Benji and he loved everyone. He even had international sponsors from England. They visited Benji a couple of times and we know he was glad to see them as he jumped on their shoulders as soon as they walked through the door of Cookies Place, where Benji lived with all his friends.

When we moved to the new sanctuary this year, Benji was the first kitty to enter the doors and the first kitty out of his carrier. We were so thrilled that it was Benji. It just seemed that Benji said this place is ok and gave it his stamp of approval. It was the best moment!

It is hard to put into words how much we will miss you, Benji, and how much we loved you. You have been part of Shadow Cats for a very long time, part of what we do and who we are. Feline leukemia kitties with no hope at the very beginning of their lives can live their best lives and Benji did. Many kitties have come and gone and we feel so very lucky to have had all these years with such a special boy, our Benji Boopalicious.

A gentle soul, the most beautiful boy.

Rest easy, handsome Benji. Fly high, precious one. You will always be in our hearts,. You brought so much joy. We loved you so very much, and all the love we gave you, you gave right back to us. Never ever to be forgotten.

Yes, Benji was so very special…


Benji had 5 Sponsors

Ben and Sharon Mineo

LeAnn Chamberlin

Vickie Langlett

The Sinclair Family

Julie Young