
In Memory of Bo     5/19/2021 – 8/2/2024

Bo was originally found in a colony of cats in Dallas, where a good Samaritan cared for them. Every day, she would come to feed, and every day, sweet Bo would come rushing in for a chance at a snack. He would stumble, trip, and run into things on the way, but he’d arrive at his destination always. She began to suspect that he was blind, given his difficulty getting around. When she saw sweet Bo littered with scratches and bites from other cats, she knew she had to find a better solution for him. Thankfully, Shadow Cats had room!

Bo joined us at Shadow Cats in June of 2023 after a positive feline leukemia diagnosis, initially very sick at the start. He had intermittent fevers and we were concerned about whether or not he’d make it through. But with patience and a lot of love, we nursed him back to health. One of our technicians, Caitlin, took a shine to Bo and the nervous boy seemed to find solace in her presence.

When Bo was healthy and his isolation period was up, it was time to meet the other cats! We always wonder how they will react and tend to take introductions slowly for the health of the cat we’re introducing and all the others. But Bo really melded with the energy in Annex. He made friendships with the other cats and even got himself caught in a love triangle to our surprise (and admittedly, delight).

Bo would spend his days lounging out on the catio, taking in sunbeams he couldn’t see but could surely feel, and cuddling. Scotty and Tiptoe were prime cuddle buddies, and eventually, Orca joined the mix, too. It was always heartwarming to look out and see a pile of four cats all interlinked and enjoying the warmth of the Texas sun and listening to chirping birds. Bo had gotten quite squishy in his time of comfort at Shadow Cats, we’re sure he made for an amazing pillow for the other kitties.

Eventually, Bo’s quiet, calm energy attracted the attention of our wispy and wily Lunita. She would seek him out as he napped on the catio, rubbing her face on his and rolling around in an admittedly desperate attempt to get his attention. But Bo was always calm, and though he didn’t return her flirtations in the same way, his quiet presence remained. He always did love a good cuddle!

He became brave enough eventually that Caitlin found out his favorite pastime: butt pats. Bo would rub up on her, alternating side to side, begging for butt pats. He was a chunky boy at that point, well-filled out with lots of extra snacks and love, and could take a good pat. When she would be working in Annex, she found he would often come out just for this!

Over the course of a year, we were privileged enough to see this sweet angel of a cat spread his wings and become comfortable. But the price of that love we hold so dear is loss, and the day came sooner for our sweet Bo than we’d hoped. Bo suddenly struggled with his appetite, and very quickly went into liver failure because of it. Medications were not enough, and we had Bo hospitalized and a feeding tube placed. He was kept at Vista Vet and given incredible supportive care, but his leukemia slowed the healing process down and he simply could not recover. We had to make the incredibly difficult decision to let Bo go, to end his suffering though he fought so hard.

Held in loving arms, Bo made biscuits on his favorite person and peacefully left us. Even as sick as he was, there was nothing but warmth and love in his heart. Bo was always that way—gentle, sweet & snuggly, a soft head-bump into your palm for pets on your hardest day. All of them are special, but Bo was really something. Many tears were shed, a deep sadness felt, but some comfort in having the privilege to know him at all.

Though Bo could not see the love in our eyes, he surely felt it every day. Though he could not see the smiles on our faces as we showered him with affection, he surely felt the warmth of our touch. He could not see us, such an important sense to a cat, but every day, he chose to trust us and the cats that surrounded him. And there is nothing braver than letting love in despite the odds—Bo did that.

We feel his absence already, missing the way he curled up in that lowest bed on the cat tree, filling it with the chunky body he’d acquired after never having to worry about life on the streets ever again. But we know in our hearts that Bo does not have to be in pain anymore, and does not have to live with feline leukemia anymore. We know that across the rainbow bridge, Shadow Cats wait to greet him, to guide him into an endless meadow, where perhaps Bo can finally see the bunnies his friends were so eager to chase.

Thank you so much to Vista Vet for providing Bo with such incredible care, and for dedicating so much time and effort into giving our boy the best chance possible. Thank you to the staff who loved and supported him, who dedicated so much time to his betterment, to the volunteers who always had a pet and a brush at the ready, and to his wonderful sponsors Terri E and Debbie P.

We love you, Bo. We always will.


Bo had 2 Sponsors

Terri Eagen-Torkko

Debbie Patterson