Bobbie Magee

In Memory of Bobby Magee    01/23/16 – 12/26/16

Love comes in many ways and for us it came in the form of a petite little black cat that came to us just a few short months ago. Who knew she would steal our hearts so completely. For several months she lived in Cookie’s Place surrounded by lots of playmates and human friends. ZeeZee especially loved to groom her and took her under her wing. She spent her days overlooking the creek and the abundant wildlife, safe on her high platform in Cookie’s. Loved by all, she found plenty of laps to warm.

All too soon the obvious symptoms of her leukemia became apparent. We brought her inside to monitor her more closely and she lived an extra month as Venus’ companion kitty in the house. She accepted her medications from the kitty nannies without issue and she always got extra scritches from them. Volunteers visited her daily and she was loved by all. Today however, she told us it was the day she was ready to take leave. Her breathing is more labored and her will to be here is gone. She crossed over gently and in the loving arms of all of us here at Shadow Cats.

Not a gentler little soul will pass through here for a while. Thank you to her loving sponsors, volunteers and kitty nannies who cared for her every day. You made her life here better and you helped her live her best life. Fly high angel – you are but a breath away.

Bobbie Magee had 8 Sponsors

Stacy Looney

Denise Galey

Susan Fowler Nice

The Rogan family

Steve & Annette Crane

Cyndi Hunsberger

Mimi & Matt Baker

Shannon Bayless