
In Memory of Buster    3/3/2015 – 1/28/2018

Buster and his brother Beanie came to us together as “The B Boys”. They were rescued in another county and had many health issues. Beanie passed soon after his arrival but Buster, despite neurological and heart issues, survived.

Buster lived a full and happy life in the Uptown area of the Sanctuary. When he was having a particularly good day he would venture to the Downtown area and explore to his hearts’ content. Buster received the veterinary support and daily care he needed. The TLC he received from volunteers and staff helped give him the wonderful live he deserved. Buster lived his best life, from an active kitten to a more sedentary but silly adult. We would find him in the oddest places – curled up in a big food bowl fast asleep, or under a pile of blankets where he made himself invisible, except for the striped orange tail hanging out.

Buster made us laugh and cry. He was the sweetest little boy and he was dearly loved by all who spent time with him. Buster passed today in the loving arms of his caregivers from heart related issues.

Our special thanks to the volunteers and staff who spent so much time for him and cared for his every day needs, and to his sponsors and friends from afar who cared about him. Loving thanks to all who worked to find safe haven for him and helped him live his best life.


Buster had 3 Sponsors

Gretchen Palmer

Mirjana Hrgovcic

“These guys just want to be loved.”
-Rebecca Raphael