
5/25/05 – 8/16/16

chappie01Chappie found her way to Shadow Cats in 2005. She started life as a community cat but soon realized how much she enjoyed a full belly, warm beds and a cush life. There was no turning back after that! Chappie enjoyed being petted and having her ears scritched and while she never made the adoption lotto, she enjoyed many years – eleven – living her best life high on the ramps overlooking Brushy Creek or basking in sun beams. She enjoyed the company of the other cats and the laps of many volunteers and kitty nannies – as long as it was her idea. Chappie lived a good life.

Several months ago she was diagnosed with an inoperable mass in her right lung, and today her symptoms became more than her little body could manage. She passed peacefully, surrounded by loving hearts. She was dearly loved and we thank all who made her life better. Special thank you to her sponsors who loved her from afar and to the volunteers and kitty nannies who cared for her each day.

Rest in peace sweet girl. You blessed us all with your feisty spirit and your sweet nature.

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Chappie had four sponsors

Christine Trujillo

Carol Calvery

“This little girl reminds me of my tuxie, Mattie. So shy at first but now a sweetheart that loves to be loved.”
-Marilyn Boerger

Stacy Looney