
In Memory of Cooper         2/14/2020 – 11/7/2021

Cooper was found as a stray in the San Marcos, TX, area, and when he was found to be positive for leukemia, his caretakers Alex and Libby were devastated. Having initially planned to add him to their family, his positive status precluded that from happening so they did the next best thing – they made sure he received top-notch veterinary care and full vetting and then reached out to Shadow Cats to see if we had space. We did!

What a gorgeous boy Cooper was! He had a wonderful personality and was so laid back. He was confident with all the other kitties, and although he was a little shy at first that did not last very long. He was one of the gang in Cookies in no time at all.

He had such a playfulness about him, often seen charging about with all the others, running from side to side enjoying the chasing games that are a daily occurrence in Cookies. He was buddies with so many! He loved to be cuddled, was one of the first on to a lap when we sat down, loved to be held like a baby and we would sing to him and dance with him. He was a good hugger, too! He was so sweet and would just gaze up at us with his beautiful big eyes and purr so loud. This wonderful boy was loved by all of us. Those that met him loved him.

A few weeks ago Cooper had some health issues related to leukemia. The virus was making itself known. He recovered and we were able to love him for a little while longer. But today our precious Coop was suffering, and always our final gift, we gave him a gentle and peaceful passing.

Cradled in loving arms, surrounded by those that cared for him, he crossed the Rainbow Bridge ever so gently as he heard sweet singing and sweet whispers in his ears.

Precious angel Cooper, rest easy. We will miss you, dear boy. You were loved so much. We have had the honor to love and care for Cooper – we were the lucky ones. You will always be in our hearts

Thank you to his loving caretakers Alex and Libby for all that you did. Thanks to his sponsors and our incredible staff and volunteers who have showered Coop with love every day.

Cooper had 3 Sponsors

Alex and Libby Neill

Amy Juried

Sigi Blaisdell