Dapper Dan

In Memory of Dapper Dan       3/7/2018 – 9/21/2023

From a tough start at the very beginning of his life, Dapper Dan was so very fortunate to find himself with the best foster parents Dana and Alex. He was so fearful, a little bitty tuxie boy at only 3lbs, also coping with an old eye injury. He did not trust humans and was very cautious.

His foster parents looked after this little boy while searching for a permanent home after he tested positive for feline leukemia. We were contacted and as we had experienced several losses at that time we had space. We were so happy to welcome Dapper Dan just three years ago in September of 2020.

We have so much patience and we give our newbies the space to feel comfortable and get to know us. Dapper Dan was very shy but curious about us humans. He explored his new surroundings, spent time out on the catios, and had his special toys he played with. He was full of life, a healthy very handsome tuxie boy. He stole our hearts and became a favorite of staff and volunteers very quickly.

With a little time, Dapper Dan was very comfortable in his new surroundings. He made lots of kitty buddies and was part of the gang in Cookie’s Place. He was never front and center for any happenings but was the cat that would be watching from the high perch on the cat tree keeping out of any trouble going on from the young ones. He was a little older and knew better and acted accordingly. 😊

With a little more time, Dapper Dan began to seek out attention from us humans. He decided we were okay after all! He enjoyed lots of chin scritches and his head seemed to melt into our hands when his chin was scratched! He loved belly rubs; how can such a shy boy love his belly rubs but he did! Petting Dapper Dan he would roll over and invite that belly rub every time and even a lap was a good thing, too.

In the 3 years Dapper Dan has been with us he has truly lived his best life. From a tough start, he blossomed into the most handsome kitty – his fear of humans had left him, he had friends, he was loved and cared for every day, he lived a wonderful life, the life he deserved.

Feline Leukemia is a dastardly disease and can raise its ugly head when you least expect it. Over the past couple of weeks sweet Dapper Dan has struggled with some health issues. Our amazing veterinarians and staff did all they could but today the fight had left our boy and he told us it was his time. Cradled in loving arms he ever so gently crossed the Rainbow Bridge and gained his wings.

Fly high, Dapper Dan! We will miss you so very much. You were loved deeply by all and will always be in our hearts, our sweet shy boy. Dapper Dan was 5 1/2 years old we hoped we would have longer. We know tonight you are getting the best belly rubs…

Our thanks to our incredible staff, his sponsors, and Dr Murdock and all at Liberty Hill Veterinary Wellness. Special thanks to Dana and Alex. It has been a gift every day that Dapper Dan has been with us.


Dapper Dan had 4 Sponsors

Deborah Anderson

Dana Guruprasad

Alexander Guruprasad

Sharon and Ben Mineo