
In Memory of Domino       3/9/2022 – 5/18/2023

Saying goodbye is never easy but when we say goodbye to someone so young it seems so much harder. Today we said goodbye to our sweet boy Domino. He may not have been with us long but boy did he make the time count!

Domino came to us from Vidor, Tx. He was in the same small family unit as Puck, who sadly passed last month. They lived in a group of three under a trailer. Puck and Domino might not have been related but they looked after each other like brothers! So, of course, when their rescuer reached out letting us know Domino also tested positive for Feline Leukemia we knew they had to be reunited.

Domino arrived at Shadow Cats in March of 2023. The poor boy came in quite a state! He was completely covered in fleas and was very lethargic and shy. After a luxurious bath and getting rid of those nasty fleas, Domino was a new man! He is very playful and chatty, and can carry on a conversation for quite some time! He loves snuggles and any attention he can get. Domino and Puck were reunited in Cookie’s Annex and Puck showed the little guy the ropes. Domino quickly learned that while there were soft comfy beds everywhere, if he lay directly in front of the door he would be first in line for pets and first in line for snacks! The staff and volunteers also quickly learned this meant looking in through the window before opening the door so you did not trip over this goofy boy.

It was only 3 months that Domino was with us but those 3 months were overflowing with love! He was a cat who knew how to take advantage of every second. You could tell he was truly grateful to be home at Shadow Cats. He knew that living under that trailer was not all his life was meant for. At the sanctuary, he sucked up every ray of sun and cuddled every lap. He tried every plate of food (even some that were not even his) and said hi to every visitor. He was making up for lost time and making every moment count.

Over the last few weeks, Domino’s body started to slow down, never his love though. He became anemic and was not responding to treatment. He was tired of fighting so he was given the final gift of a peaceful passing in the loving arms of those who cared most for him. We are sure that Puck will be there to greet him at the rainbow bridge and again show him the ropes. Fly high, sweet boy, and give Puck a kiss for us.

Thank you to everyone who has loved and cared for our sweet boy. Thank you to his sponsors and to our staff and volunteers. We know how much you will all miss Domino.


Domino had 3 Sponsors

Gretchen and Kerry McIntyre

Danielle Kriegsman

Pam Lind