
In Memory of Gabriel         ?? – 12/28/2020

Gabriel was in critical condition when he was found on the streets just a week ago. We knew that the outcome may not be what we all hoped for. We hoped for a Christmas Miracle. Results of testing showed the oral cancer was extensive, and inoperable, not the news we wanted. The always difficult decision was made to let Gabriel pass, a gentle passing.

Gabriel, we didn’t know you yet, but we already loved you so much. We were so looking forward to being able to welcome you to the sanctuary and be part of the gang and even maybe adopted. We don’t know what life you had to endure on the streets but we do know that in the last few days of your life you experienced love and care, gentle pets, and if you wanted to eat and drink, food and water were there for you. Your life mattered.

So to us, you were our Christmas Miracle. You did not suffer on the streets in your last days. You were found and cared for. Rest easy, sweet Gabriel.

Special thanks to Bridget Clare Flanagan, Dr. Murdock, Dr. Murphy and all the staff at Sam Bass Wellness/CTCH, and to all of you who care about cats deemed “less than”.