
In Memory of Hannah         3/15/2003 – 1/5/2022

Hannah Bananas, that was her nickname given to her by the Shadow Cats staff. She was a very special girl and this is her story.

A beautiful tuxie girl, she was dumped at a shelter in Arlington after living in a home for the first ten years of her life. AFter a routine test for feline leukemia Hannah came up positive. Just imagine, a ten-year-old cat sitting in a high kill shelter with FeLV, very sad and lonely, wondering what had happened. Her chances suddenly became slim to none. This was so sad. A local rescue group worked hard to find a place for her. We were contacted, fell in love with her as soon as we saw her picture, and soon her bags were packed and she was on her way to Shadow Cats.

We routinely test all incoming cats who have tested positive for FeLV. This is normally just a confirmation. But Hannah was not positive! It’s not unheard of to have a false positive, this is why it is so important to absolutely confirm a cat does have feline leukemia.

A new lease on life for Hannah – we were thrilled for her. We thought she would be thrilled to be with us, too! Nope, not that easy for our beautiful girl. She had a hard time adjusting and was very sick when she arrived. She had lived in a peaceful home, and life at the sanctuary was a little overwhelming for her, so Hannah was a grumpy lady at times and that is putting it nicely – she did not want our love and attention or the comfort of the other kitties who wanted to be her buddies. She struggled with some health issues and we did all we could to make her feel at home and comfortable. She was difficult to medicate – it was stressful for her, always a battle, and sometimes she would, you guessed it, go a little “bananas” hence the nickname Hannah Bananas! We always gave Hannah her space knowing that getting too close would result in a gentle swipe and even sometimes a hiss! We accepted her for who she was and loved her all the more for her feisty nature. Maybe she could not shake the memories of her past and being dumped after such a long time in a comfy home. Those memories did not leave her.

Over the last few years, Hannah softened a little. We were patient and we always hope that one day the feisty ones will sit on our lap and return the love we give. Hannah took her time but she came around. To say that we all were just overjoyed was an understatement! We could pet her, she sought out our attention and yes, the biggest reward of all, she would sit on our laps and purr so loudly. She even looked at us and we swear she was smiling a little! We could pick her up and love on her, sometimes with a little grumbling but that was ok! We had earned her trust. How wonderful! We knew then that she loved us too. Hannah, we cannot ever tell you how this made our hearts soar. We never gave up hope that one day things might change and they did!

Since moving to the new sanctuary Hannah has been quite the love bug. She had become so settled; she had one of the best seats in the house, a bed on the kitchen counter, she has watched everything that goes on, she has made friends and become a social girl. She shared lunches with her caregivers, enjoying the occasional french fry! She enjoyed her time on the catio laying in the sun in her favorite spots. We have had long conversations with her about her life, and she has been showered with so much love. We have all tried to make up for the lost years by giving her love and kisses every day.

Hannah has declined lately, and over the past few days we knew something was not right. After a visit to the hospital a tumor in her nasal passage was found and today Hannah Bananas crossed the Rainbow Bridge ever so gently and ever so peacefully cradled in loving arms of her favorite people, our wonderful staff. We always promise our kitties a passing surrounded by love and light, gentle whispers of love, and sweet words to help them on their journey. We knew she was tired. Sadly, it was her time.

Our oldest cat at the sanctuary at present at an incredible 18 years, Hannah had experienced so much in her life – the good and the not so good. This old gal had earned her rest. We celebrate your life and cherish the memories. Hannah, sweet beautiful girl, you will never be forgotten. You will always hold a special place in our hearts. Your presence is not here but you live on in all of us. We will tell stories to the newcomers who come to the sanctuary about a tuxie girl who was feisty but also the biggest softie, who lived her life on her terms, but learned that being loved was the best thing in the world.

Rest easy, Hannah Bananas. Fly high, beautiful girl, on your angel wings. You were loved so very much by so many.

Heartfelt thanks to all who loved Hannah, her sponsors, our volunteers, Sam Bass Wellness Veterinary Wellness, and Shadow Cats’ caring and compassionate staff.


Hannah had 4 Sponsors

MaryEllen Taylor

“My cat Mystery had several bouts of pancreatitis.  I am sponsoring Hannah in Mystery’s name.  I think Hannah found her way to you for a reason.  Most anywhere else she could have wound up might not have been able to save her.”
-Amy Glass

Stacy Looney

Julie Ferguson