
In Memory of Jack       5/28/2005 – 7/27/2023


His personality was larger than life!

Jack and his sister Scarlett were adopted as little bitty things and lived a wonderful life in a home. Circumstances change in our lives and we at Shadow Cats understand that, there is never judgement.

Little did these two siblings know when they were adopted that when anything in life happens that phrase we live by “Once a Shadow Cat, always a Shadow Cat” would mean so much.

Jack and Scarlett returned and we welcomed them with open arms. They both settled in well. Unfortunately, Scarlett passed a few years ago.

But our boy Jack! He has been the life and soul of Shadow Cats. A distinguished gentleman in his younger years, he had the air of an elder statesman as he grew older. A goofy sweet elder statesman! He didn’t have the best of habits, and sometimes some mop-ups were needed. We didn’t care, we mopped up and just said Oh Jack and he would look at us with that look “it wasn’t me?” We knew better! He could be a bit stubborn too in his later years. We accepted him the way he was and we loved him all the more. He made us smile every day.

He was the best sport, never minding when we put a hat on him for a fundraiser. His picture was used so much over the years, he has been quite the star on social media. With that slightly eccentric character and good looks, Jack was not short of friends, especially lady friends. He really could be a flirt. One special lady caught his eye, our dear Violet. They were cuddle buddies so we will make sure she is given lots of extra loving care in the coming days.

Jack was a set your clock by feedings kind of guy, front and center always and if treats were around, he could hear the sound of the treat bag being shaken even if he was fast asleep. He has been known to open the cupboard and spill the treats everywhere. Another Oh Jack moment!

We cannot begin to say how much this boy was loved, a favorite of so many near and far. As his health deteriorated over the past few days, he has had so many visitors come to see him, all with treats in hand. Jack was loved deeply by so many, a popular lad!

Jack has battled advanced kidney disease for a while but with the added diagnosis of cancer, his time with us had come to an end. Surrounded by love and light, he ever so gently fell asleep. The tears have fallen freely but through them, we have shared stories of this goofy boy, his antics, his internet fame, his known bad habits, and his incredible love of food and treats. Precious Jack, we celebrate your 18 years! The Wild Side room at Shadow Cats will never be the same. Jack will not be looking through the window or waiting for the door to open so he could greet us, or looking at us with those big beautiful eyes asking for treats.

His sister Scarlett was waiting to welcome him at the Rainbow Bridge. Jack is now being his goofy self and maybe even flirting a little with the ladies. There is much celebrating at the Bridge as Jack reunited with lots of old friends from his time at Shadow Cats.

Thank you, Jack, for bringing so much joy to our lives and giving us the best memories to keep in our hearts forever. The sweetest boy, you gave us more love than we could ever give back. Our beloved Jack, you will be missed terribly.

Our heartfelt thanks to his caregivers and our amazing staff who loved and cared for him daily. Thanks to our volunteers, his sponsors, Dr Murdock, and all staff and doctors at Liberty Hill Veterinary Wellness.

Jack had 3 Sponsors

“Wishing you lots of love, lots of playmates, and lots of treats – from our Jack to yours!”
-Jennifer Jackson

Julie Young

Tim McMullin