
In Memory of Jacky      3/26/2020 – 5/16/2024

Jacky’s Shadow Cats story started in Irvine, California with her three siblings. Jacky’s sweet little family was found on the streets and rescued, but when all the cats wound up testing positive for feline leukemia, options seemed limited. Thankfully, a local rescue by the name A Pawsitive Approach reached out to help. They secured a spot for each sibling at Shadow Cats, and even went the extra mile (or 1,300) and drove them to us!

Jacky, Frankie, Gracie, and Sergeant nestled into Shadow Cats with ease. During their time in isolation, they could often be seen in the cutest of snuggle piles, arriving as the best of friends. These sweet cali-kittens melted everyone’s hearts. When it was time for them to join the ranks of the rowdy Cookie’s Place kids, they all fit right in. They played hard and enjoyed the sunny catios, not quite as temperate as the California weather they’d grown spoiled on but far brighter and warmer. They enjoyed several years together as siblings before leukemia set its sights on the siblings. Eventually, it was just sweet Jacky of the Cali-Cats.

Jacky, thankfully, looked at the world through a lens of whimsy and curiosity. Though she lost her siblings, she never stopped going. Jacky enjoyed running on the wheel in Cookie’s, making the best biscuits, and though she could be a bit of a wallflower, her mischievous side peeked through and blossomed with time. Jacky learned that she absolutely loved water, and she would do anything to make it appear, even to the detriment of the building she planned to flood! She loved to turn the faucets on, and more than once we left and returned to Jacky’s own reenactment of Noah’s Ark. Thankfully, no damage had truly been done…and the cats do enjoy a splash pad, it seems!

Jacky was incredibly smart, a little kitty scientist if you will, and always had some little experiment to attempt. Our inquisitive girl always seemed to have her head tilted in a question and always seemed to be interested in greeting our newbies and learning their quirks. Nobody looked at the world with brighter eyes than Jacky, and we grew to love all her silly antics and habits. Growing to love her as deeply as we have made it even harder to say goodbye when leukemia suddenly set its sights on our girl.

In sudden respiratory stress and wobbling, we knew something was wrong. So many of our leukemia kids are fine until they aren’t, and our sweet Jacky was unfortunately no exception. She was rushed to the emergency clinic, where extensive diagnostics were performed. All signs pointed to a progression of leukemia, her red blood cells depleted, and cancer. Our sweet girl looked up at us with those big, curious eyes one last time and told us it was time. Our little scientist had a lot to go teach our dearly departed Shadow Cats across the rainbow bridge.

Held in loving arms and purring from the attention, Jacky passed peacefully, knowing more love and wonderment than a street cat from Irvine ever thought they could know. Tears fell around her, our hearts shocked and shattered, but feeling grateful for the chance to know such a special little soul. We love you, Jacky. We always will.

Thank you to our veterinary team for Jacky’s exceptional care, and for the staff that oversaw her needs daily and always showered her with immense love, affection, and chances for mischief. Thank you to the volunteers who always made sure our sweet angel had a lap to warm. Thank you to her sponsors, Cyndi H and Tim P. Our lives were made a little brighter having known Jacky, and for that, we’re forever grateful.

Jacky had 2 Sponsors

Cyndi Hunsberger

Tim Perez