
In Memory of Jasper       7/17/2015 – 6/10/2023

Cookie’s has lost a shining star today. Our sweet boy Jasper passed away after a long time struggle with FeLV and IBS.

Handsome man Jasper came to us from Austin by way of San Antonio. He was adopted from a shelter in San Antonio and taken to his new home in Austin. Jasper started having tummy troubles so his new family took him to the vet where he tested positive for Feline Leukemia. Unfortunately, his family already had other kitties at home and were not able to keep Jasper. That is where Shadow Cats came in! In late July of 2022, Jasper officially joined our ranks.

Jasper was never really a fan of his roommates but as time progressed he learned to accept them and tolerate their presence. But who could blame him? He was just so darn handsome and so darn popular with the volunteers, why should he slum it with the other cats? All Jasper truly wanted was to be fawned over by his adoring fans, and fawn they did! From day one Jasper was a superstar and a favorite of the volunteers and the staff. Always looking for a lap to climb into and hands to give chin scritches. It was just a known fact that if you sat down on the Annex catio you would quickly be blessed with a Jasper in your lap. And once he was in your lap you were not going anywhere. But why would you want to?

During his time with us, we tried many different treatments to help with his IBS, from medications to special diets but nothing helped much. Over time the IBS and leukemia started to win out and his body got tired. He no longer ran to us when we walked into the room and he had to be picked up and placed into the laps he loved so very much. This was Jasper’s way of telling us he was ready.

Jasper was given the final gift of a peaceful passing. He was surrounded by those who loved him and was cradled in a lap like he always wanted to be. We will miss your shining light, sweet Jasper.

Thank you to everyone who has loved and supported Jasper and thank you to the staff who has loved and cared for him every day.


Jasper had 3 Sponsors

Kathy  McElroy

Anne Fajkus

Anne Llana-Koob & Chris Koob