
In Memory of Jeremy       1/20/2020 – 5/11/2023

Today was a very hard day. Being a shelter that focuses on hospice care we see a lot of hard days. But it never gets any less hard to say goodbye to a friend.

Jeremy was found sitting on a dock in Azle TX. He was the sweetest boy but nobody claimed him so he was taken to the local shelter and found to be feline leukemia positive. His status put him directly on the euthanasia list as there just are not enough resources in small towns across Texas. The staff at the shelter saw his potential; they saw his spark and his sweetness. They knew he should have a real chance at life. Thank goodness the staff at the shelter contacted us and we were able to take Jeremy. His bags were packed and he was on his way. Well, as soon as he arrived we were smitten! All he wanted was love and cuddles, this big ’ ole hunk of a tabby cat!

It was not just the humans here at Shadow Cats that fell in love with Jeremy. He was so sweet he was instantly accepted by all the cats. In all his time in Cookie’s Place, we do not think he was ever in one single scuffle. More often than not Jeremy was found in the middle of a cuddle puddle. Jeremy became Uncle Jeremy or Daddy Jeremy. He buddied up with Pixie, the mom of Cookie’s, and the two of them took care of ALL the cats, especially the kittens. Those two groomed, snuggled, and doted on all the kitties. While he never went out of his way to get attention from humans he was always the center of attention with his fur-friends!

When Jeremy became symptomatic and started feeling unwell, we made the decision to move him to isolation so we could better monitor his eating and drinking. It was not long before it became obvious that Jeremy was not ok with being solo. We could not move him back to Cookie’s so he made his way to the office/break area. Boy, was Jeremy pleased with his new digs! He split his time between napping next to the Sanctuary Director and sitting on the laps of the staff while they ate their lunches. While being sick was not ideal, Jeremy came out of his shell and his sweet personality really shined. He became such an important part of all of our days. He would greet us at the door when we came in and would make the rounds for pets from everyone during meetings. He may have even sent a few extra emails that he should not have been sent.

Every time we thought Jeremy was improving he would take a step backwards. We joked that he was just playing it up to get to stay in the office. But we knew that was not the case. He was getting tired of fighting, but he never stopped showing us love and affection. Jeremy was surrounded by those who loved and cared for him in his last moments as he went over the rainbow bridge. The hands of those who cared for him, fed him, and loved him, slowly rubbing his head and petting his fur. He brought us all so much love and we know we gave it all right back to him. We love you so much, Jeremy. Rest easy, sweet boy.

Thank you so much to everyone who has loved and supported Jeremy; thank you to his sponsors, our volunteers, and the amazing staff. We know how much you will miss him. Thank you for everything you do!


Jeremy had 2 Sponsors

Lee Owensby

Anne Llana Koob