
In Memory of Juno         9/24/2004 – 12/4/2021

We celebrate the wonderful life that our beautiful Juno lived at the sanctuary. The sweetest girl, an amazing 17 years old and feline leukemia positive.

We do not know where Juno originally came from, but we do know that she came to Shadow Cats from a terrible hoarding situation that didn’t end well for many kitties. We all know this story – someone starts out with the very best of intentions but somewhere along the way things get out of hand. Animal Control is called to take the cats out of that situation and then rescue groups and good Samaritans are the saviors that step in to help as many as possible. This little girl was lucky, she was rescued. She was given a medical check-up but during that check-up, she tested positive for leukemia. There were not many options for a kitty with FeLV so many years ago. We were contacted and were full at the time but how could we say no to this beautiful girl who had already been through so much at such a young age?

We fell hopelessly in love with her as soon as she arrived through the door, this big-eyed oh so pretty little girl looking at us from the back of her carrier. Our hearts melted! From that moment, Juno’s life would be forever changed for the better.

Juno has always been a quiet girl, a gentle soul, never one to seek out attention but loved our laps when offered. She was often seen cuddling with the older kitties. She had a calming influence on other kitties especially if she knew they were not feeling well, but she was never a big fan of the young ones! Over the last dozen years, she has seen the comings and goings in Cookies Place, and through it all has sat quietly and observed everything, content to just be. Hopefully we helped to extinguish the horrors of the past. We pampered her, surrounded her with love and she lived the life she deserved every day she was with us. Juno loved to be outside in the catio – she would always find that sunny spot, stretch out and enjoy the warmth of sunbeams. Juno was a serene kitty so it would make us smile to hear such heavy snoring from our sweet girl when she was lying in the sun. 😊 When mealtimes came around Juno was always first in line waiting, that quiet girl found her voice then. And treats, always on alert for the treat jar to be shaken; even from one of those ‘snoring’ deep sleeps, she was there in a flash!

Over the past few months, Juno has become more fragile. She was struggling with chronic renal disease and leukemia-related issues have been taking their toll. Our staff have cared for Juno every day and throughout all her treatments and daily medical care, they will tell you, she has been the best kitty, she has been a trooper, she knew we were helping her feel better. But there comes a point where more treatments, more fluids and medical intervention are no longer a kindness.

Today our sweet girl with the beautiful eyes assured us she was ready, and it was time. She was tired. After having a few treats and being comfy in her favorite bed, Juno passed ever so gently and peacefully surrounded by loving hearts, hearing sweet whispers and soft singing, telling her she was the best kitty ever, loved beyond measure.

Rest easy, precious Juno. You lived your best years at Shadow Cats. Your life was good and you were loved. While our hearts are heavy, we celebrate your long life of 17 years! You leave behind many that loved you dearly. We will miss you, baby girl. The sanctuary will seem a little emptier knowing you are not there. You were one of the ‘old guard’ and we will cherish the special memories of a sweet gentle girl named Juno.

Our thanks to her sponsors, our caring volunteers and our wonderful staff who have so much love and compassion for all our kitties at the sanctuary and to all near and far that loved sweet Juno.

Juno had 3 Sponsors

“In honor of our Grey-Baby (Juno’s twin in looks), and as a Mother’s Day gift for me. Wishing you as much love and as many treats as you desire, pretty Juno!”
-Jennifer Jackson

“If everyone cared and nobody cried, If everyone loved and nobody lied, If everyone shared and swallowed their pride, Then we’d see the day when nobody died”  (from “If Everyone Cared” by Nickelback)
-Terri Morris

Jacquelin Dudley