
In Memory of Koutzey      4/24/2004 – 7/22/2024

In 2021, we were notified of two elderly black cats, named KouKoutzey and Sushi, in dire need of rescue. Their person had passed away, and the hands they fell into were not hands that could support them. Thankfully, the elderly brothers found sanctuary at Shadow Cats and made their forever home in Oasis’ cozy atmosphere. They became particularly fond of the fluffy beds posted up on the kitchen counter!

Sushi unfortunately passed away in 2022 after an incredible 18 years of life, but his brother seemed intent on living out his golden years at the sanctuary. KouKoutzey was lovingly shortened to Koutzey, and often even Koutz. And boy, Koutzey barely even needed acclimation time, which is always something we worry about with the introduction of elderly cats. He pretty immediately made Oasis as much his home as any of the cats who had lived there for years! Some part of Koutzey knew this was where he was meant to be, and he settled into sanctuary life like he was settling into the comfort of a well-loved, favorite blanket.

Koutzey thoroughly enjoyed a good catnap, spending a lot of time nestled in the warmth of the softest beds Oasis had to offer. Often, he’d wander outside to bask in sunbeams on the catio, sprawled across his favorite cat scratcher. Reclining, he’d watch the occasional bunny hop by, but mostly the boy just loved to sleep. Sometimes, we’d even be blessed enough to catch him napping with his tongue out, because that’s what happens when you don’t have any teeth left!

In his old age, Koutzey’s many necessary medications and daily fluid therapy made him a centerpiece in our daily routine. When it came time for the staff to do fluids, Koutzey would wait expectantly and with a little croak of a meow to remind you of the time…and the ever important wet food snack that came with the treatment! Without teeth, he never snacked very gracefully, but we were always grateful for his good appetite.

And grateful for his general presence, honestly. There was just something so sweet about Koutzey. He loved to lay on a soft lap, but if you were on the go, he’d sometimes get up to follow you for the journey. At over two decades old, movement was hard sometimes, but still he’d follow for the promise of company and a good ear scritch.

Over time, his age became more and more apparent, and his body was failing the spirit within. We supported Koutzey in every way we could, with veterinary care, supplements, and even acupuncture, but there came a point when this old man told us it was his time to go. He’d soaked up all the sunbeams he could, loved as gently as his old heart would, and ate enough delicious snacks to keep his belly full for a lifetime. This chapter was over, and it was time for him to rest.

Koutzey passed peacefully at the sanctuary, lovingly held in the arms of those who’d cared for him during his years at Shadow Cats. We will miss his presence deeply, and his loss will be felt heavily, as those little pawprints imprinted upon the place he’d lived for so many years, and also on our hearts. But Koutzey is now no longer tethered to the body that held him back. He’s free of pain, of illness, and his brother Sushi waits at the entrance of the rainbow bridge to help him cross over to the lap of the owner they’d lost all those years ago.

We will miss you, Koutzey, but are comforted by the memories we made together, the love and bonds we shared, and are carried by their warmth. Though Shadow Cats was a short slice of Koutzey’s long life, we feel so privileged to have known this gentle little spirit at all.

Thank you to Vista Vet for Koutzey’s exemplary medical care, to Dr. Birdwell for always helping Koutzey with his aches and pains through acupuncture, to the staff who loved and so thoroughly cared for him, to the volunteers who always had a lap to offer and a brush to pamper him with. Thank you to everyone who made Koutzey’s life that much brighter, to Amy J. for sponsoring this sweet old boy, and to the person who helped Koutzey and brought him into our care.

We love you, Koutzey. We always will.


Koutzey had 1 Sponsor

Amy Juried