
In Memory of Lenny      11/12/2013 – 5/8/2024

In March of 2023, Shadow Cats was contacted by Rainbow Journey Sanctuary, a sanctuary for cats with a special focus on hospice care. An unfortunate event unfolded at the sanctuary, leaving the future of their many cats in uncertain territory. They reached out to Shadow Cats, and we relocated three of their sweet angels into our care.

Lenny was one of those sweet angels, coming to us with an eye ulcer, severe stomatitis, a heart condition, allergies requiring a full lion cut and medication to control, and a feline leukemia diagnosis. We had our hands full with this boy! We immediately doubled down on his care, treating all conditions, and even taking him in to remove the remaining teeth in his mouth to address the stomatitis. A feeding tube was placed to ensure he had proper nutrients after his surgery, and Lenny was off! He made an incredible recovery that bolstered us and gave us hope for his lasting comfort through the rest of his life.

Though Lenny came to us with a drooly mouth and a mean mug, we quickly learned that this boy was nothing short of an angel. Despite his looks, Lenny was incredibly affectionate, eager to lean into pets, and about as soft and squishy as a teddy bear on the inside, still a bit scruffy on the outside! And despite his many medical conditions, Lenny didn’t seem to have a single complaint, he was just happy to be social, eat a good meal, and have a soft spot to land. Everyone fell in love with this sweet boy, eager to usher him into his golden years with warmth, attentiveness, and softness.

Lenny became used to life at Shadow Cats quickly. He enjoyed slinking out onto the catio to bask in the sunbeams overlooking the memorial garden. He loved to curl up on a lap and rub his face on your face…even if that did get a bit messy at times! This boy just seemed to be grateful for any and all love sent his way, and our staff and volunteers had plenty to spare. It came as a shock to us all when, despite all of our efforts and Lenny’s incredible resilience, Lenny’s stomatitis turned out to be oral cancer. The tissue had been tested as a precaution, and none of us expected it to come back positive.

Lenny, our sweet angel who healed despite all odds, had one thing he couldn’t come back from, one thing that we couldn’t fix. We decided we would give him whatever time we could, for however long we could, to let him enjoy sunbeams, laps, pets, and kisses, and that we’d support him and cherish him until the end of his journey. He knew nothing but love. Unfortunately, his cancer progressed quickly, and we had to make the tough decision to let him go.

Held in loving arms, surrounded by those who nursed him to comfort, who aided him through his growth, who showed him love and tenderness irreplaceable, Lenny passed on. Our time with him was short, but we have no doubts in our hearts that we made Lenny’s last few weeks count. Sometimes, the impacts we make on others aren’t as long-lasting as we plan for, but it doesn’t diminish their significance. We ached for more time with him, but some comfort can be found in knowing that sweet boy sunbathed, that he ate every meal joyfully and gratefully, and that every pet, every scritch, every kiss laid upon his head, mattered. We loved Lenny hard enough for a thousand lifetimes, and he takes that love with him as he crosses the rainbow bridge to join the shadow cats rolling in the grass, sniffing flowers, chasing butterflies, and shooting stars.

Once a Shadow Cat…always a Shadow Cat.

Thank you to Vista Vet, who provided him with fantastic, thorough, and intensive care during Lenny’s time at Shadow Cats. Thank you to the staff who nursed and cared for him, making him a new man who could truly enjoy the fruits of their labor. Thank you to the volunteers who loved him and spent special time with him during his short stay at Shadow Cats. And thank you to his sponsor, Rebecca R.

We love you, Lenny. We always will.


Lenny had 1 Sponsor

Rebecca Raphael