Lil Nugget

In Memory of Lil Nugget   5/15/2020 – 9/17/2020

We never know how long little kittens will be with us. Every day is a gift, and for Lil Nugget, every day he was cuddled, he was showered with kisses, and loved and cared for.

This orange bit o’ fluff was found very sick outside in a backyard in the Arlington, Tx area several months ago. He went into foster care with Buddie’s Place Cat Rescue and received lots of love and medical attention from his foster mom Jenna and her family, with the expectation he would go up for adoption there. However, during routine vetting he tested positive for feline leukemia.

We had room and Lil Nugget came to us on Sept 8th.

From the moment he arrived our hearts were stolen by this sweet little boy, a little bitty ball of orange fur. He settled in well and we hoped that he we would be with us for a long while. We were just getting to know Lil Nugget. We know he loved his special blankie – he would suckle it and he would make the best biscuits. He loved to sit in our arms and look up at you with those big eyes and our hearts would melt. He had some favorite toys and would play and be a normal little kitten.

It was not to be a long life for Lil Nugget. Just a few months old, today he was in distress and we helped our sweet boy cross the Rainbow Bridge, gently and peacefully held in loving arms. Feline leukemia is tough on little ones but we are honored to have had the chance to love you, Lil Nugget. Your life mattered sweet boy and you were loved very much. The memories of you will always be a blessing.

Rest easy, Lil Nugget, frolic and play and run free.

Thank you to all who loved Lil Nugget, our nannies who gave him the best care, his foster Mom Jenna and her family who gave him the best start in life with so much love and Buddie’s Place Cat Rescue.