
In Memory of Lily   2/19/2019 – 9/17/2020

When new cats come to Shadow Cats, they are always called the ‘newbies’ and we generally have lots of nicknames for them. It’s fun to get to know them. We are always thrilled to have a ‘newbie’ and look forward to meeting them. We never know how long or short a time they will be with us and we accept that, although our hearts sure do get beaten up every single time we say goodbye. But we would not have it any other way. We fall in love instantly with them all!

Lily came to Shadow Cats from an Arlington area rescue where she had been rescued from the streets. She was fostered and lived solo for many months but the time came for her to find a more permanent home and when Shadow Cats had room, September 2020, we accepted this sweet girl into Cookie’s Place.

Lily was a strong willed girl and being almost 13lbs she did tell us when to back off, sometimes with a little nip! She was almost 2 years old and maybe she developed a little bit of a tough girl exterior – who knows what her early life was like?

We do know what her last days of her life were like. They were filled with love and care and constant watchful eyes and playfulness. She had a personality we watched develop every day. She really wasn’t at all a toughie, she was a girl that knew what she wanted and you gotta admire that! Lily loved pets and she loved her chin scratched – her little chin would stretch out so far it was great to see with that little smile. She loved us talking to her and she made the best biscuits and would purr so loud. Oh, and she loved to eat! She still was a little nervous, but we knew that would fade and she would become one of the gang.

Feline Leukemia had other ideas. We did not get the time we wanted with you, our Lily girl. She had breathing difficulties and a large mass was found. We all want the gentlest passing for our kitties and Lily had that. She was held cradled in our arms and her head held lovingly in our hands, her chin being scratched the way she loved. She was smiling as she ever so gently crossed the Rainbow Bridge, surrounded by love and light.

Rest easy, sweet Lily. We loved you very much, never forgotten, always in our hearts.

Thanks to our all our staff who loved and cared for Lily, her fosters and rescuers.