Little Jack

In Memory of Little Jack    8/30/2017 – 11/29/2017

Life is not fair. We all know that, and today hurts and seems a little more unfair than most.

Sweet Lil Jack, who came to us as a tiny kitten with leukemia, has passed.  We know that kittens born with leukemia often do not survive. Their immune systems simply are not developed enough to help them fight the ravages of this disease and they often succumb.  However, we try our best not to focus on the negative and think of the sweet life he had.

He was rescued as a small tyke and loved by his rescuer, Joan, in the Dallas area. He was vetted and had his damaged eye removed, all the while being carried about, nurtured and loved. His rescuer found safe haven for him at Shadow Cats where he was brought to us by our wonderful friend, Thumper. Here he played and  enjoyed the nurturing hands and laps of volunteers and staff. He spent many hours being groomed by Hope, who held him down with her paws to make sure he was squeaky clean. Although his life was not long, he was given a lifetime of love and if that could have kept him here, he would have lived out all of his nine lives. But the virus came back in full force soon after his arrival and despite veterinary and supportive care and all we could do for him, it was not to be.

Sweet lil one eyed Jack was surrounded by loving hands and hearts as he crossed over this afternoon. Rest in peace, sweet baby Jack – you were loved beyond measure.

Little Jack had 1 Sponsor

Joan Schneider