Little Jimmy

Jimmy011/16/14 – 7/1/2016

Little Jimmy came to us several years – a very sweet and gentle cat. He was initially overwhelmed by the sudden advent of 25 new roomies but he quickly acclimated. He always enjoyed the security of a cozy cubby where he could have a spot all to himself and he loved the outdoor porch that looks out on the creek running right behind the sanctuary. He could hang out in a sunbeam, explore lots of perches all over the walls, and keep an eye on the birds, squirrels, lizards, bugs, and whatever else happened to be going on in the garden. Always ready for a pet, this sweet boy had come a long way from his risky beginnings.

Little Jimmy fought the good fight. He tried very hard to overcome this final battle but the leukemia virus would not be denied. He passed peacefully today surrounded by loving hands and loving hearts. We will never forget you passed this way sweet one.

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Little Jimmy had four sponsors

Christi Clark

Julie Ferguson

Chris Sanders

Amy Glass