
In Memory of Mabel       4/4/2012 – 10/3/2022

Mabel was the most stunning floofy girl. This is her story

One day back in 2013,  it was late in the year and the weather was turning cold. It was early, the old sanctuary just beginning to wake up for the day. The techs were doing their rounds and looked up outside to see a cat sitting on the roof. This kitty looked like Annie, a resident of Shadow Cats. Imagine the panic, oh my gosh, had a cat gotten out? Was there an escape hole? Hmm, no – all was secure everywhere and Annie was sleeping. This was just a cat outside that happened to look like our Annie. Our visitor disappeared very quickly and did not want anything to do with us humans.

You know what we were thinking – was this cat a stray or feral cat in the neighborhood? Was she hurt? We spent long hours looking for her along the creek. She did return and was trapped. She acted like a typical feral cat would do when confined and after getting her spayed we had her in a condo to recover.

You never know what the weather will be like in Central Texas but we were having a cold spell so we did not want to return her outside in the cold weather. A few days became a few weeks and Mabel began to show signs of warming up to us humans and even accepting a few pets. How could we put her outside? We couldn’t, so Mabel became a Shadow Cat resident.

Mabel has been with us for almost 10 years. She has not been a cuddly cat or a lap cat but she has enjoyed a good life, her best life. She has been cared for every day and safe and we have loved her very much. She has always enjoyed outdoor space. She loved to cozy up with her kitty friends and they could often be found in one of the Wild Side cubbies all cuddled up together. For the last few years, her bestie has been Mia. They have been true kitty friends. And both fully fledged members of the chicken gang, always waiting when chicken was offered albeit from a distance and usually in a cubbie! Both night girls too, out and about, checking things out when it was quiet, and when our night tech would come in with treats Mabel was not shy then. 😊

Being a kitty that is hard to handle does not mean that they get any less care than any other kitty at the sanctuary. They receive regular checkups at the vet and our staff observes them closely even though they do not want to be ’friends’ with us sometimes. Mabel’s caregivers had observed some changes in her and a veterinary checkup was scheduled. On examination, Mabel was found to have an inoperable mass behind her eye. On advice from our veterinarian, the heartbreaking decision was made to let Mabel pass gently. She was held maybe for the first time in her life, and sadly, the last time, as she gently and ever so peacefully crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

Who knows what her life would have been if Mabel had not rested on the sanctuary roof that day? We are so thankful she lived her life safe and cared for and loved every day with wonderful kitty buddies. She was who she wanted to be and we couldn’t have loved her more.

Rest easy, our gorgeous floofy girl, we loved you from the first time we saw you on the roof!

Thanks to all who loved and cared for Mabel – our staff, volunteers, her sponsors, and all at Sam Bass Wellness.


Mabel had 2 Sponsors

Vinny Wong

Leah Vulic