
In Memory of Mandarin   12/31/2019 – 8/28/2020

Mandarin was found in an alley of Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, with 3 other kitties. They were all just trying to survive. Luckily, the foursome were found by a local TNR group, but they all tested positive for feline leukemia. There were no resources available for cats with this condition, no hope. We were contacted and we had room for the “Puerto Rico Four” so they started their journey under the guidance of our friends at Save A Gato. Well, what an exciting trip these four had! They travelled so well, arrived at Shadow Cats and did not miss a beat as soon as they came out of their carriers. All four were in isolation together for the first days after their arrival.

Mandarin was a bundle of energy. He was a little bigger than his 3 buddies but he was still a ball of orange fluff tumbling about the room, zooming around, wrestling, playing with his travel buddies, so many toys to play with, just being an energetic kitten. He was a love bug, too. He loved to be held and loved his chin scratched. He would fall asleep with his head in your hands with a little smile on his face, and he gave the best kitty kisses in return. He lived up to his name. He was the most gorgeous orange boy and we knew he would be a handsome young man. After their initial isolation time, the Puerto Rico four were let loose in Cookies Place. They fit right in, more space to zoom around! It was all new and exciting, lots to explore.

Mandarin did not meet another cat he didn’t like, and he certainly did not meet a human he didn’t like. We could hold him just like a baby and rock him gently – the purr that came from this orange fluff ball was so loud ! He just enjoyed being a kitten, running and playing, dashing in and out of the kitty doors onto the catios, watching all the action outside, jumping up and down the shelves and laying in sunbeams. Then he would sleep as sound as can be, usually cuddled with one of his travel buddies. Such joy it brought to our hearts to watch. He knew, as did all of them, that he would never be hungry again, he would always be cared for, always have soft beds and be surrounded by love every day of his life.. He would never have to survive to stay alive ever again.

Sadly, Mandarin was not destined to live a long life. The effects of feline leukemia were taking its toll on our sweet young boy. Sometimes it’s just too hard for little ones. The always devastating decision had to be made to let Mandarin pass gently. Our final gift we can give. Our nannies held him ever so close, giving him gentle kisses and told him how much he was loved and he had stolen many hearts around the whole country.

It was way too soon. We were not ready to say goodbye, Mandarin. You had only been with us such a short time. What a story you can tell to all the kitties that have gone before you over the rainbow bridge – your rescue, about your travels, your airplane rides and the life you lived with your buddies at Shadow Cats. You can tell everyone you had a chance at life when there was none to be had. Even though your life was short, it was as full as it could have been.

You will always be in our hearts, Mandarin. You were a very special orange kitty. You made us laugh at your antics, and you brought us humans such joy. We loved you very much. We will also remember you as one of the “Puerto Rico Four”, and will cherish those memories. Rest easy, precious Mandarin. Fly high on your wings, sweet boy, play and frolic and lay in sunbeams.

Thank you to all who loved Mandarin – caregivers, volunteers and sponsors, his rescuers, Save a Gato and many more near and far.


Mandarin had 3 Sponsors

Steve Okino

Alfreda Shore

Deborah Anderson