
10/26/08 – 7/7/16

marley03When any cat passes at Shadow Cats it’s usually anticipated, and while we grieve, we are not surprised. But when it’s a young, healthy cat that has no obvious incapacitating issues, we are in shock and devastated and committed to finding the cause.

This morning Marley was in distress and his breathing became labored. We rushed him to the hospital where he collapsed and quickly passed. Subsequently, Dr. Smith found him to have heart issues related to cardiomyopathy. We are grieving hard for this vibrant boy.

marley02We never know how long our cats are going to be with us and we certainly expected to have many more years with Marley. He was rescued from the Austin Animal Center before it was No Kill and lived in Cookie’s for many years. He was the first “Miracle Cat”. After that, he moved into the Downtown area where he happily lived with all of his friends. He remained negative for leukemia until the end.

Our hearts are heavy with the loss of this wonderful soul. He left too soon and our only solace is knowing that without Shadow Cats his life would have ended eight years ago in a county shelter. That was not the case. He lived a full and rewarding life, had many friends- feline and human- enjoyed a few laps and spent a lot of time living his best life. Our hearts are full knowing this. We are grateful to all those who sponsored him and loved him from afar and to the volunteers that spent time with him each day. You made his life so much better.

Rest easy Marley- you were special.

marley01  marley04

Marley had five sponsors

“In memory of Doris Moon & Mary Hargett”
-Ann & Dave Hargett

Crystal Ferguson

“In Memory of Merry – paying it forward.”
-Pat Heltke

Leah Vulic

Sandra Amezquita