Wild Side Cats

Sponsor all the cats in the Wild Side for just $25 per month! Collectively, all sponsors together can make a big impact on the everyday needs of our ‘mostly’ special needs cats. Will you help?

For those that would like to sponsor the entire Wild Side area, let us tell you a little about it.

The Wild Side area is a climate-controlled room with big windows, plus chairs, shelves, and hidey holes for all. Artwork of the kitty residents supplied by Painting with a Twist artists cover the walls for the cats’ (and visitors’!) pleasure. Connected to this space is an open air screened patio with lounging spots and high shelves where the cats can get up high and watch over their domain.

Most of the cats in this space have behavioral issues, are less friendly, or have medical issues. There are a few that have no issues at all and are in need of an adoptive home! Spread the word – Shadow Cats even has highly adoptable cats! Volunteers always have a cat nestled in their laps with nails being trimmed or coats being brushed. Sponsoring the Wild Side area means helping cats that had little chance before Shadow Cats. For a variety of reasons, they ended up here.

While all of our cats are available for adoption, most are overlooked because of age or issues. The most common issue is spraying. It’s hard to place cats like this and sometimes the best option is Sanctuary life. (Bless their little hearts, they still want a home). As this population of cats ages, their medical needs increase so your sponsorships help defray that ever increasing cost. Sponsor the Wild Side area and one of the cats will kiss you! Or bite… One or the other.

Photo Gallery

Click to enlarge pictures.

Meet Our Sponsors!

–Christine Trujillo–

–Marilyn Boerger–

–Gisela Lin–

–Morgan Smith–

–Jeanette Cacciola–

–Julie Ferguson–

–Ann & Dave Hargett–

–Bill Fifield and Dave Roseberry–

–Sandy Frederick–

–Margaret Vandevier–

–Pat and Wesley Brown–

–Gary and Yolanda McAninch–

–Leah Vulic–

–Sheri Biggs–

–Melissa Zoss–

–Chiemi Perry–

–Rebecca McManamy–

–Carin Keeter–

–Gretchen Palmer–

–Jaye Lynn Piselli–

–Helen Sabin–

–Sheri Biggs–

–Margaret and Kevin Hollembeak–

–Delonda Belanger–

–Sheryl Mackey–

–Dawn Leighton–

–Pam DeWald–

–Vinny Wong–


–Cindy Wong–

–Dan & Bennie–

–Carla Donaldson–

–Leah Selvidge–

–Renee Vorbach–

–Tracey Williams–

–Kasey Williams–

–Christina Huizar–

–Renee Vorbach–

–Rain Nox–

–Paul and Dawn Lawson–

–Jennifer Jackson–

–Asya Mazmanyan–