
midnight046/8/06 – 7/25/16

Midnight originally came from our church colony back in 2006. He and his buddy Sammy were adopted into a home where they lived for six years. Earlier this year, both cats were returned to Shadow Cats where they slowly integrated and became favorites of all the volunteers and staff. Midnight, big and fluffy, became a sweet fixture on the cat decks, soaking in the sun or hanging out in the workroom with the nannies. Although he was very shy, he seemed to know he was safe and well loved.

Midnight enjoyed only a few months at Shadow Cats before he was diagnosed with lung cancer. Sadly, today we had to let this beautiful soul cross over. Midnight, precious boy, left us surrounded by loving hearts. You were loved beyond expression. We are all so grateful for the time we had with you. Rest easy sweet boy. Thank you to all the volunteers, staff and sponsors who loved him and made Midnight’s life so much better.

midnight03  mightnight02  midnight01

Midnight had three sponsors

“I have a soft spot in my heart for black kitties. I came here to sponsor another kitty who has tons of sponsors, so when I saw that Midnight had none I decided he would be my Shadow Cats kitty.”
-Ann ONeal

Susan Lederle

Lisa Salazar