
In Memory of Mouse       6/10/2022 – 3/23/2023

Our sweet spunky little Mouse. She was a star from day one. An elderly couple in Cedar Park, TX, reached out to ask for help. They had trapped for TNR and then cared for feral cats that wandered into their yard for years but one mom cat that they named Slim evaded trapping over and over. Our friends at Feral Life Guards (FLG) set up multiple cameras, traps, and even remote triggers and it still took months to finally trap Slim for spaying. In that time, she had a litter of kittens and only one of them survived. Mouse was that kitten. She was trapped and taken into foster care. She was sweet and thrived and LOVED other kittens she met, especially her foster brother, Newt. They loved each other so much that FLG planned to adopt them as a pair. Unfortunately, Mouse tested positive for Feline Leukemia and came to Shadow Cats to live out her life.

She arrived at Shadow Cats a week before her “brother” Newt. Mouse was the tougher, more confident of the two, Newt was smaller, shy, and frail. Their foster hoped that since they were not littermates Newt would be negative. Unfortunately, a week later he tested positive and we were able to reunite them quickly. Newt had become very quiet and subdued without his sister but as soon as they were placed together, she was all over her brother and was able to bring him out of his shell.

Eventually, they both were moved to Cookie’s place so they could be with all our other rambunctious kitties. Mouse of course took the room with no issues. She even did a great job of pushing Newt to be more outgoing. Occasionally Newt would have leukemia flare-ups, where he would not be feeling well. Mouse always took care of her brother and made sure to check in on him and give him snuggles when he wasn’t feeling well. By 9 months old, the two were doing great! Mouse was a little fireball, always playing with friends or seeking out volunteers for snuggles. Not only did Mouse have an outgoing personality, she had a set of vocal cords to match! Mouse loved to chat with anyone and everyone, and with the way she would meow at you, it really felt like you were having such a fun chat!

Unfortunately, leukemia is a cruel disease that can take even the strongest cat. Mouse became lethargic and was not her spunky self. We discovered she had started to develop fluid around her heart. After many treatments were tried, she let us know that she was tired and could not go on. She was able to say goodbye to her brother and he gave her one last good snuggle. Mouse passed peacefully in our arms and she will be so dearly missed. Our sweet star burned so very bright!

Thank you to everyone who has loved and supported Mouse, her sponsors, and our volunteers. Special thanks to our caring staff who have loved and cared for Mouse every day at the sanctuary.

Mouse had 1 Sponsor

Ray & Sonia Sinclair