
In Memory of Murray    09/29/2016 – 05/03/2017

Little Murray was born into an un-managed community cat colony with few resources. He managed to survive the first few months but eventually became quite sick. During our trapping efforts in this area, we saw how ill he was and took him to our veterinary hospital. There he was treated, combo tested and found to have feline leukemia. After confirmation, we were able to make room for him at Shadow Cats.

Murray started out as a ferocious (or so he thought) little feral kitten, but with love and patience he became everyone’s lap cat.

Murray began to develop leukemia related issues that continued to mount despite our best efforts and care. This morning his breathing became labored and the decision was made to help him cross. He transitioned in loving arms, very gently and peacefully.

While Murray’s life was short – he was only six months old – his time at Shadow Cats was filled with attention, play, a fully tummy and so much love. He knew safety and kindness and he passed gently – so much more than many kittens get. We are grateful for the time we had with him, for his sponsors, our kitty nannies, volunteers and for our trappers who recognize when we need to do more than TNR – thank you Amanda Curry.


Murray had 3 Sponsors

Amanda Curry

Suzanne Isaksen

Michele Missner