
In Memory of Otis    07/10/10 – 01/17/17

If you were to first meet Otis, you would think he was a stern old man cat.  However, if you spent any time with him at all, you would know that behind those serious eyes and penetrating gaze rested a character ready to be your best friend. He had his days when he enjoyed the younger kittens, but for the most part, he enjoyed the volunteers and nannies telling him he was handsome and scratching him under the chin and his ears. He reigned supreme in Cookie’s Place.

Otis was rescued off the streets in San Antonio by Kara and Rita Short, until they found safe haven for him at Shadow Cats. He lived a wonderful life here for several years.

Over the last several days, Otis became anemic and despite treatment and care, today he began to have respiratory difficulty. The difficult decision was made to help him cross over. Otis was surrounded by loving hearts and caring hands as he made his transition.

Thank you to all that loved and cared for Otis – his initial rescuers, his sponsors, friends and donors, and all the volunteers and kitty nannies who adored him. You all made his life at Shadow Cats the best it could be. Rest in peace, Otis – you were some Top Cat!


Otis had 6 Sponsors

Rita Short

Shannon Mackintosh Murdock

Mimi & Matt Baker

“I was honored to go with Rita and Kara when they took sweet Otis to CTCH to begin his journey as a Shadow Cat in Cookie’s Place where he will be loved and cared for by the best vets around.  What a sweet boy, I love you too.”
-Peggy Wetzel

Kara Short

Kevin and Mitzi Clark