
In Memory of Petunia    9/06/2006 – 05/30/2017

Shadow Cats lost a bit of its’ heart tonight with the passing of Petunia. Spirited and independent, loving and sweet, angel and not so much, this precious girl epitomized living large. She came to us many years ago and, despite having social issues, managed to find her niche. Full of sass and attitude, as long as she was in charge, all was well. If you ever attended one of the Open Houses at the Sanctuary, invariably, Petunia was the one who door dashed into the house to mingle among the guests. She would roam the house, rubbing against legs and checking everyone out. She didn’t want to be held because there were so many people to visit and somehow, we think she probably ‘met’ everyone there.

Petunia was the only cat who had full roam of the Sanctuary. She could move from the house to Uptown to Downtown and back, and she did it repeatedly. She was quite the darter and when she managed to run by you, she was very proud of herself. In/Out. In/Out. In/Out…… Yet, she never even attempted to dart outside at the front door into any unsecured area. She seemed to know Home and had no interest in stepping outside that boundary.

Several years ago Petunia developed CRI, chronic renal insufficiency. She managed well and this last year regularly received fluids and medications. This spectacular little tuxie girl managed to stave off the inevitable as long as she could.

Today Petunia has crossed over and taken a bit of our hearts with her. She passed gently held in loving arms. Thank you to all that loved her and cared for her. She danced her own dance here at Shadow Cats and now her memory rests in our hearts. We’ll never forget you, Tooners.


Petunia had 4 Sponsors

“In Memory of Sally Lucker”
-Sheila Schlesinger

“One of my favorite cats at Shadow Cats Rescue!”
-Rick Watson

“In memory of my sweet Minnie 2001 – March 27, 2014”
-Gail Bischoff

“In honor of Rabbit the Cat”
-Morgan Smith