
In Memory of Phoebe   5/22/2005 – 7/18/2020

Our beautiful girl Phoebe crossed over the Rainbow Bridge today. Our precious girl was feeling poorly last week with renal issues and we tried everything to keep her with us, but alas she had to go and our hearts are broken. Phoebe was held in loving arms and passed ever so gently, our final gift to our sweet girl, a gentle passing.

Phoebe was rescued as a tiny kitten in South Texas. She did not become socialized to other cats and even as a kitten she preferred to be on her own as she lived her life at the sanctuary. We hoped that she would be able to live with other cats as she grew a little older but she still preferred solitude and was not friendly towards other cats. We gave her all the space she needed and she lived her younger life on her terms. We loved her just the same and respected her choice! She lived in comfort, cared for each and every day.

Phoebe was 15 years old, and as we all mellow in our later years, Phoebe did too and in the last few years she became quite the social girl. She decided that being friends with other kitties was not so bad after all! Phoebe also decided laps were a great thing and sought out attention from volunteers and staff. She loved to be petted and we loved to give her all the love she wanted. What a wonderful gift you gave us Phoebe. We were patient with you and you rewarded us with your love.

Phoebe, our sweet girl, you were so beautiful, even though your ear tip was a little too much. It made you even more special. You had the softest fur, the most gorgeous eyes and the best purr. And we didn’t mind at all if you drooled on us out of pure happiness. Phoebe was loved by all who met her, the gentlest girl, a stunner!

We will miss you, Phoebe. Tears flow today and we will never forget you. We loved you deeply and you will always be in our hearts. Rest easy, beautiful girl. You were one of a kind. Fly high on your angel wings.

Thanks to our staff who cared for Phoebe every single day, our volunteers who showered her with love, her sponsors and the doctors and staff at Sam Bass Wellness /Central Texas Cat Hospital who cared for Phoebe.


Phoebe had 3 Sponsors

Monica Waxman

Alexandra Myssura

Jennifer Bristow