
In Memory of PopTart       1/8/2008 – 8/24/2023

Few things are harder than saying goodbye to one of our kitties at the sanctuary. Whether it is expected or sudden, many tears are shed as we hold them close and gently send them on their way. They all leave gaping holes in our hearts. PopTart has done just that. Our beloved PopTart gained his wings today.

PopTart was one of a kind; he was special, and he was the most amazing kitty. PopTart came from a managed colony in Houston looked after by good Samaritans. He was there for a few years and had become somewhat friendly to people. He developed health problems, chronic diarrhea, and inflammation that seemed to be getting worse by the day. Shadow Cats was able to help with resources from the One Life Fund but it was evident PopTart needed very close monitoring with ongoing veterinary care.

We had space at the time and his caretaker, Sean, packed his bags and he was on his way to Shadow Cats. Understandably, he was very shy and reclusive at first, but quickly grew used to our presence. He made friends with other kitties and was often found curled up in a bed with different roomies, especially female roomies. What a rascal!

Then lo and behold one sunny afternoon a volunteer was sitting in a chair and PopTart was in her lap in a flash. We were all so thrilled and this was the shape of things to come. Our boy was becoming really social! He was ready for laps, pets, and lots of love! His health greatly improved and we were able to manage his digestive problems with meds and special diet and constant veterinary checkups.

Many of our kitties are internet-famous, Poptart sure was! He was, to put it plainly, very crossed-eyed. He had the most distinctive look, the cutest crooked smile that anyone who met him instantly fell in love with! This made him all the more handsome – well, really he was beautiful and we told him so, but we didn’t want to ruin his credibility with the ladies by telling him he was beautiful, so handsome it was! PoppyTart (our nickname, you know we love nicknames) always seemed like a happy boy – happy to see us, happy to be with his buddies, happy to eat, a member of the chicken gang😊 and happy to oblige us with lots of photo shoots. He has been a wonderful fundraiser for Shadow Cats with some of the most incredible photos, thus becoming so famous! He was even a nominee for President of the Cats at the sanctuary! A runner-up! Not bad for a boy from a colony in Houston who was shy and reclusive when he first came!

Not seeing PoppyTart waiting at the door to greet us will be heartbreaking. We loved this boy with everything we had. His buddies in Harmony will miss him, and his bestie Elsie and a couple of other ladies will miss him, too! He was quite the ladies’ man at times; his gentle ways, sometimes goofy ways, and his sweet nature made him very popular! He loved all cats; he was like the “Soother in Chief ”. The kitties were drawn to him and he made them all feel calm, he was such a cuddler! We have over 850 pictures of Poptart in our library nearly always cuddling a buddy. He was special. To know him was to love him and we did, ever so much.

Our amazing boy has struggled with some health issues recently. He suffered seizures, and a stay at the hospital and the best care could not change the sad outcome today. PopTart was tired, the fight had left him, and he told us it was his time. Held in loving arms, he peacefully and ever so gently fell asleep. He was surrounded by love and he heard soft whispers in his ears telling him he was the best kitty ever.

The sanctuary has lost an icon today, another of the old guard. PopTart was well-known and loved by so many. Words cannot express how much we will miss him. He was a huge part of our family here at the sanctuary. Thank you for the joy and laughter you left us, PopTart. Time will never erase the wonderful memories you gave us, and we will cherish them. You may have left this world but you will forever live in our hearts. Rest easy, precious PopTart. You sure were one of a kind, a special one.

Thanks to our staff who cared for him every day, our veterinarians, his sponsors, and all who loved him from afar. Heartfelt thanks to his rescuers and caregivers, Sean and Amy. We have loved every moment PopTart was with us.


PopTart had 10 Sponsors

Roy Calfas & Greg Havican

Julia Laroche & Jon Morgan

Jeff Smith

“In honor of my mother, Dorothy Juried, who had a soft spot for the Siamese!! ;o)”
-Amy Juried

Gail Bischoff

Jennifer Davis

Aubrey Hawthorne

Vicki Langlett

Alice Anthony

Sarah Benjamin