
In Memory of Punkin         9/2/2015 – 8/11/2021


That phrase “he is such a lover boy” was written for our boy Punkin. Such a lover boy! He just wanted to be held. He always asked to be picked up, putting his paws out, and was the happiest just being cuddled and sitting on our shoulders. In return, he gave us the best nuzzles and kisses on our faces. And the purr! It was so loud, we are sure that the whole of the sanctuary shook as Punkin purred when he was on our shoulders.

Feeding stray cats without spaying and neutering results in kittens. When those kittens are positive for the feline leukemia virus there are not many options. This is what happened to this little orange and white kitty – he ended up at Austin Animal Center with few options. It was a lucky day for Little Punkin because we were contacted and we had room for him at the sanctuary.

Punkin arrived at the sanctuary looking sad. A little bitty thing, he was underweight for his age, lethargic, and with a high fever. The first year of life is especially tenuous for kittens born with FeLV. They are especially vulnerable to any infection that comes along and what would be a minor illness for a normal kitten can become life threatening very quickly.

With the expert care and a whole lot of love from our veterinarians and our techs, Punkin got over those initial problems. And little did we know then what a character he would be. Punkin was just a normal kitten doing all the normal kitten things – he was inquisitive, energetic, always running and playing, getting into the normal trouble kittens do! He was a favorite right from the start, loved by all who met him, and although he appeared to have that tough guy exterior he was the biggest softie. When we walked into the room we just had to call his name and he would be there waiting for the cuddles and a shoulder to sit on so he could give us those nuzzles and kisses. Almost 6 years old, he has lived his life to the fullest, the life he deserved, from a little scrawny kitten that almost didn’t have a chance to the most handsome, most loved boy!

Punkin was quite the lover boy with the ladies too. He was a bit of a flirt and spent a lot of time cuddling with the girls, many girls😊, although he did have a long time special girl, Amy. She gave him a kiss and cuddle farewell this afternoon, the sweetest thing ever to see.

Punkin’s health has declined over the past weeks, the related issues of feline leukemia. With sad eyes, Punkin looked at us and said it was his time, he had fought hard to stay, but he had to leave. Every single day that he has been with us Punkin has been surrounded by those that love him very much and today was no different. Punkin crossed the Rainbow Bridge cradled in the arms of those that loved and cared for him every day, sweet whispers in his ears telling him just how special he was.

Many tears were shed today. We will miss you so much, sweet boy, our ‘lover boy’. We will miss the kisses, the nuzzles, the purrs, we will just miss you being here, and the wonderful memories you left us will live in our hearts forever. We smile through the tears as we remember all your antics. You will never be forgotten. Cookies Place will never quite be the same knowing you are not there, our precious boy.

Rest easy, Punkers. Soar on your wings. You were one special ’lover boy’ cat…

Our thanks to our amazing staff, his sponsors, our volunteers, Sam Bass Wellness Veterinary, and all who loved and cared for Punkin, near and far.


Punkin had 4 Sponsors

LeAnn Chamberlin

Fred Peterson

Kay Lambert

Evelyn Miller