
In Memory of Rocky 7/7/05 – 9/11/16

rockylRocky came to Shadow Cats many years ago from the streets of Austin. Injured and unable to care for himself, he was nursed back to health, but could not be returned back to his original colony because of residual injuries. He was later adopted but returned due to behavioral issues, despite every attempt by his guardians to make it work. Throughout it all, Shadow Cats remained committed to this little black cat and he came back to live his very best life amid the ramps, the high nooks and the safety of the sanctuary.

rockymRocky remained shy throughout his life. He enjoyed watching the activity, the volunteers and staff and knowing this was home and while you could approach, pet and talk to him, he was happiest on a ramp surveying his domain.
He enjoyed watching the activity, the volunteers and staff from above. His sweetness enabled him to get along with all the cats and he enjoyed their company. This was a nameless little black street kitten a decade ago, with no good prospects, yet because of the loving hands of rescuers, adopters, sponsors, volunteers and nannies at the sanctuary, this little kitten grew up to live his best life and we are certain he had many stories to tell over the years. Rocky, you were some kind o’ cat.

Rocky developed inoperable tumors in his abdomen and today his journey came to a peaceful end. Surrounded by loving hands and hearts, he gently crossed over.

Thank you to our wonderful nannies who watch over their charges every day, to the volunteers who give them extra love and TLC and to his sponsors who loved him from the beginning. Rest in peace Rocky. You are but a breath away.

rockyk  rockyj

Rocky had four sponsors

Leslie Lewis & Ray Sissons

Linda & Amos Harrison

Amy Juried

Melissa Zoss