
In Memory of Sebastian         5/29/2006 – 12/15/2021

Through our TNR program, Sebastian and his two siblings were trapped many years ago. They all were found to be fairly social and his brother and sister were adopted. Before Sebastian had a chance to find his forever home, he became very ill from a viral infection. Despite intensive treatment, his condition continued to worsen and he spent months in grave condition. Throughout all those months when he lifted his head and looked at you with those great big amber eyes, he seemed to be saying, “Hold on a minute! Wait, don’t give up on me, give me a chance! I am going to get well”, so that is what we did. We did hold on, we did give him a chance. Throughout his many struggles with health issues, Sebastian has been the most loving kitty and such a sweetheart.

During his long stay at our hospital, Sebastian was such a favorite of the staff that he stayed. He knew his way around and was spoiled rotten by everyone. During one of the staff meetings, it was decided that Sebastian should be promoted to one of the official greeters at our Central Texas Cat Hospital. A little shy at first in his new role, Sebastian soon became very comfortable at greeting people and would also greet kitties. He took his ‘job‘ very seriously, hardly missing a day of work as a greeter! We are sure he was passing on to them that the hospital was not a bad place and there was lots of love and care to be had, telling them not to be afraid and scared because he knew from first-hand experience. If you have ever been to Central Texas Cat Hospital, you are sure to have met this handsome boy; he may have snuggled into your lap and purred so loud!

As we all do when we get older, things change, circumstances change, and Sebastian was at that point after many years ‘working’ as the official greeter at the hospital. It was time to retire and come home to Shadow Cats to enjoy some much-deserved R and R. Enjoy it, he did! He enjoyed the catio, always comfy on his favorite deckchair; he enjoyed comfy chairs, squishy blankets, lots of love from everyone, staff and volunteers, all the treats and snacks he wanted, and most of all he enjoyed his bed on the kitchen counter – yes, the kitchen counter – after all this sanctuary belongs to the kitties. He was always next to some of his besties, especially Hannah, in their own beds on the counter, too! Imagine it, a line- up of beds on the counter, so precious! We would always be talking to him when preparing food or meds in the kitchen, and Sebastian, as soon as you said something to him, would gaze at us and start to purr so loudly. We are going to miss you, sweet boy. One thing we may not miss… Sebastian, like many of us, had allergies. We knew to take a step back when he sneezed, as a bit of debris might fly and come our way lol! We would wipe his nose like a kid and being the sweet boy he was, he would let us, unlike many kids do!

Sebastian was diagnosed with renal disease a while ago, and had a sudden downturn over the past few days. Today our sweet boy with the gorgeous amber eyes told us he could not stay, his time had come. Surrounded by those that cared for him every day, cradled in loving arms, Sebastian ever so gently crossed the Rainbow Bridge hearing soft music and sweet whispers. Many tears fell. Pieces of our hearts went with you, Sebastian. We will always remember the gentlest boy. A little goofy at times, you made us laugh and you will live on in our hearts forever. Loved deeply by all who knew him. Almost 16 years old but still not enough time with this sweet boy.

Rest easy, precious Sebastian, fly high with your angel wings and watch over us always.

Thanks to our staff, volunteers, and special thanks to his wonderful sponsors and to his fan base from his years as an official greeter.

Sebastian had 5 Sponsors

Jacki Quaile

Ludovic Maucuit

Neena Reeve

Di Richmond

Stuart M Knight