
In Memory of Shadow   4/12/2006 – 6/15/2020

Our long haired grey beauty, Shadow, crossed the Rainbow Bridge today. Over the past months she has been declining in health, despite constant treatment and care, and today she told us it was her time. She was cradled in loving arms, gentle whispers in her ears telling her she was the best kitty ever. She was surrounded by love and light and all those that loved and cared for her every day.

Shadow was born on the streets and lived the first 10 years of her life from 2006 as a feral kitty with her siblings. They were all very well looked after as community cats. In 2017, the two remaining cats, Shadow and her sister Boo, found themselves in an unstable situation – the guardians were moving and there was no one to take care of them. Shadow Cats was contacted and after trapping both sisters we had a plan to relocate to an experienced ranch home with wonderful caregivers.

Well, you know what they say about plans sometimes!

Shadow had other idea! Guess she wanted to stay at Shadow Cats because while we were getting ready for transport in the Downtown area of the sanctuary Shadow got away from us. We tried to get her but she had made up her mind she was staying, so Shadow and her sister Boo stayed at Shadow Cats.

You would never know that Shadow lived as a feral kitty for all those years. Over the time she has been with us, she has become the sweetest kitty, always welcoming us and always wanting to be petted. This is a feel good story at the end. Shadow left us today knowing that she was loved so much. She experienced love, she knew what sitting on laps felt like, she was cuddled and kissed, she was cared for every day, she was never hungry, she laid in sunbeams, and she enjoyed being with all the other kitties, especially her sister Boo. Shadow was a very special girl.

We will miss you, beautiful girl. We were so honored you chose to stay with us so we could love you as much as we did. Rest easy, precious girl, and soar on your angel wings.

Many thanks to all her sponsors, her caregivers, and all who loved her, near and far, and to those who care for community cats every day.

Shadow had 3 Sponsors

Sandy Frederick

Tim McMullin

Delonda Belanger