
In Memory of Sidney         7/1/2020 – 7/31/2021

We help cats across the country and we also support cats in our own backyard. When we found out Sidney was turned in as a stray locally and found to be FeLV positive we immediately said yes to her coming to Shadow Cats.

Sidney was a tiny little thing and throughout her life here at the sanctuary she continued to be a petite kitty. She was so sweet and so friendly, very outgoing. We knew she would fit right in with the gang in Cookies Place. She did not meet a kitty she did not get along with and she certainly did not meet a human she did not love. She loved everyone who stepped into her world. She loved our laps and being held like a baby, loved sitting on our shoulders. Many of our kitties like us to dance with them and Sidney was one of them! Lots of volunteers could be seen swaying to the tunes in their heads with Sidney in their arms. 😊 Sidney loved to be on the catio – she could always be found stretched across a shelf laying in sunbeams watching the antics of the birds on the feeder outside or lined up in a group with the other kitties watching all the action! She certainly was a popular girl! And pretty, oh my goodness, Sidney grew into a stunning young lady !

Sidney has had many issues over her time with us. She has struggled with bouts of illness all related to her being FeLV positive. A few days ago Sidney had a very high fever and was taken to the hospital. Not good news for our sweet girl – a mass was found. We have had bonus days with our precious girl and we have cherished the time we had, but today Sidney had to leave. She fought so hard to stay, but her time here with us was at an end. Peacefully and ever so gently, Sidney crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She was held in the loving arms of her caregivers, and heard sweet singing as she left us.

Sidney, you were such a beauty, and we are going to miss you, sweet girl. We thought you would be with us longer, but the almost a year you were with us was a life well lived, your best life, full of love. Your life was meaningful and we will always remember you, our pretty petite little fluffy girl. A fleeting star who graced our presence. Rest easy, precious girl. Fly high on your angel wings.

Our thanks to our staff, volunteers, sponsors, doctors and staff at Sam Bass Wellness, and all who loved sweet Sidney, near and far.

Sidney had 2 Sponsors

LeAnn Chamberlin

Amy Ellis