
In Memory of Skipper         9/4/2006 – 12/17/2020

Skipper has been with us since he was a kitten. He was a tiny little thing, in very poor condition, and had to be syringe fed. It was touch and go whether he would survive. With lots of TLC, veterinary care, and much love Skipper did survive to live a full life here at the sanctuary. Although he missed out on being adopted, Skipper was ‘home’, always a comfy bed, always tons of love and care, plenty of food, and many buddies to play with.

Over the past few months, Skipper has been declining. He has had medical issues and has spent some time at the hospital. Despite all efforts, the time had come to say our farewells to our sweet boy. Skipper crossed the Rainbow Bridge held in the loving arms of his caregivers, our kitty nannies. With gentle whispers in his ears, the soothing sounds of quiet voices telling him how much he was loved and how beautiful he was, he left this world ever so peacefully, ever so gently, surrounded by love and light.

Skipper was such a unique kitty. Being cross-eyed, he was so easy to identify and that just made him all the more handsome. He had such an endearing look, but sort of mischievous as well, always looking like he was smiling, and he had the cutest brown nose! When we called his name he would always come running, especially if our volunteers had boiled chicken, and with treats, he was first in line! Skipper loved to be outside on the catios, he loved laying in sunbeams and at the new sanctuary, loved being on the high up shelves just taking everything in, watching all the happenings with the birds and squirrels. Skipper was a gentle soul, a little goofy at times, and very affectionate. He loved being in a lap and being petted but not too fond of being brushed! He had so many friends! He was a cuddler and could be found in a bed with any one of his buddies in Harmony Room! He has seen so much in his life, all the comings and goings, the changes at the old sanctuary and the move to the new one. One of the first to explore Harmony Room at the new sanctuary, we remember him just looking at us with those crossed eyes and smiling, as if to say “Yep, I love this new place”.

Heartbreaking to say goodbye today to you, Skipper. We know you were tired. There are many tears shed. You were a part of Shadow Cats for over 14 years. Loved more than the words can ever say. We will miss you, Skipper, our sweet gentle cross-eyed boy with the cute brown nose. Your memory will always be a blessing and we hold those memories close in our hearts.

Rest easy, precious Skipper, soar on your angel wings.

Thank you to all who loved Skipper, our staff who cared for him every day, volunteers who showered him with love, and his sponsors near and far. Special thanks to Dr. Murphy and staff at Sam Bass Wellness and Dr. Smith for his devotion to our Shadow Cats.

Skipper had 4 Sponsors

“Skipper is just my kind of boy! A little goofy and maybe the “undercat” but a very sweet boy and has that look of mischief–even in the crossed-eyes!”
-Susan Saint-Lockhart

Julie Frank

“My cats, Morton and Salsa, are FIV+.  I have started a Facebook campaign through Morton to promote awareness about this condition.  You have such an amazing facility that I thought I would sponsor Skipper.  I’d adopt him, but the house is full.”
-Rikki Raflo and Morton

Laurie Heupel