
In Memory of Smokey    3/15/2000 – 10/16/2017

Shadow Cats believes that rescue has no boundaries and when one of our friends reached out to us from New Mexico several years ago with a request for help, we said yes. She drove both Smokey and Daniel (another SC kitty now) to the Sanctuary knowing she’d be in good hands.

Smokey was shy at first but quickly came out of her shell. She loved being petted and would arch her back into your hand. She got along with all the other cats and developed kitty friendships, too. She was one of those beautiful cats that somehow knows she’s special. Even at 17, she was a delicate beauty.

Smokey became lethargic and just wasn’t herself this past week. We took her to the clinic where we found she had an enlarged heart. She was set for more tests this morning when she suddenly went into respiratory arrest and passed.

Our deepest appreciation to her sponsors who loved and cared for her. Some angels take a part of you with them and Smokey left an indelible mark on our hearts.

Rest in peace, sweet girl.


Smokey had 4 Sponsors

Leslie Leavitt

Kathy Allessandrini

Pam Lind

“For Lou, who was a strong dog lover until he met our first cat C.C.  And is now a proud, crazy cat man.”
-Marisa & Lou Rossi