
In Memory of Spirit         1/1/2021 – 9/9/2021

Spirit was a feline leukemia kitty. He came to us straight from the streets and needed time to decompress and to know he was safe and that all the other kitties that were wanting to meet him just wanted to tell him that they would love to be his friend. They were all impatient to be friends with Spirit. We told them all to wait and he will want your friendship in time.

He was named Spirit from his rescuer who said she had a hymn going round in her head “There’s a sweet sweet Spirit in this place”

A beautiful boy, Spirit had such a softness about him, but we knew that it would be a long time before we humans would ever be his friends. He did not want to be a kitty that was held and cuddled – he just wanted to observe us from afar and we were ok that. We told him ”Be who you want to be, we love you no matter what.“

Spirit had only been with us a short time and in that time, he experienced some health issues. We do not let any cat suffer and today we had to make the always heartbreaking decision to let Spirit pass gently and be free of any pain.

In the time Spirit was with us, he did make some kitty friends, deciding that it was ok to cuddle with them. Plus, he was safe from the streets, he never had to think about being hungry, and in fact, he loved to eat! He slept on soft beds, he played when he thought we were not watching, and even ventured on to the catios. Although we could not be as close as we wanted to be with him, he was loved by all at the sanctuary.

We would have dearly loved more time with you, Spirit, to get to know you better, but we know in your last few weeks you wanted for nothing.

Today, as Spirit gently passed, we gave him something he had never experienced before – we cuddled him and held him close, kissed him, and told him he was the best kitty ever. A few tears fell.

Rest easy, Spirit. You were loved deeply by us all. We were so grateful you were with us and not suffering on the streets. You had the love and care you deserved.

Our thanks to our wonderful staff for their dedication, the care he received at Sam Bass Veterinary Wellness, and his sponsors. Very special thanks to his rescuer, Margaret.


Spirit had 3 Sponsors

Margaret Hollembeak

Brittney Boutte

Stephanie Fannin