
In Memory of Timmy       4/6/2022 – 11/8/2023


He was small in stature but made up for it by having the biggest personality you could imagine. He was a character! It was so easy to let our hearts be stolen by this brave little boy. His big sparkling eyes were so intoxicating and with his sweet demeanor, your heart would just melt being around him.

A good friend in Lovelady, Texas, found Timmy while doing TNR work. He did not look well at all, almost skin and bones. She was able to trap him and get him to a vet quickly. He was FIV positive, but even after lots of tender loving care his health was not improving. He could not put on weight and suffered from severe digestive issues. After trying so hard for so long, his rescuer needed help and reached out to Shadow Cats. We decided together that by coming to Shadow Cats we would be able to get him additional testing and treatment and try to get him feeling better.

Timmy came to us in February of 2023. The moment he arrived there was not a dry eye; he was so tiny, skin and bones, but he was the friendliest, goofy boy with a will to live and enjoy his life.

Monitored closely by our veterinarians and caring staff, his initial diagnosis was not good. He was suffering from severe IBS and malabsorption. Although he had an appetite that would make us smile each day, his body was finding it hard to process food for weight gain and energy. He had a mountain to climb to get well, but our boy was brave and a fighter. Most kitties in Harmony are on special diets with their food in feeders activated by their microchips. Being so small Timmy found, in a very short time, that as a cat approached his feeder he could sneak in there with them and steal even more food – such a smart boy! 😊 He lived his best life with us for a few months, and although plagued by ill health he participated in everything, photoshoots and events, always wanting to be part of anything going on. He did not look his best at times but to us, he was model material with those long legs and big sparkly eyes. He was stunning!

The mountain to climb for Timmy was too high. We and our veterinarians have tried everything in our power, but the IBS has likely turned into lymphoma, medications are not working, and his weight was declining further. His days with us have come to a close; he could no longer fight. His eyes had lost the sparkle that we loved so dearly. It is way too soon, Timmy not even 2 years old; how we wish it wasn’t so…

Our Sanctuary Manager Sarah said this today,

‘Timmy is a cat that has touched the lives of those he’s met, and even some he hasn’t that have watched him through a phone or computer screen. He’s brought a lot of laughter here at the sanctuary as our little cage-climbing gecko, and many smiles from his sweet disposition and quirky little personality. Letting him go has been an incredibly difficult decision to make, but we know it’s the kindest path we can set him on now”

In his time with us, he has enjoyed lots of love from staff and volunteers and has cuddled in beds with all his kitty buddies. He has laid in the sun out on the catio, jumped on the highest shelves to watch the rabbits and squirrels outside, he has been one of the gang! And oh! He has worn the most stylish sweaters. He was one of a kind!

As Timmy ever so gently fell asleep he only knew the love we all had for him. He was so very special, so popular, our brave and courageous boy. Gentle whispers in his ears told him how loved he was. Forever in our hearts, thank you for the wonderful memories you have left us, Timmy. We will miss you, our goofy boy. Fly high, sweetheart.

Our special thanks to Holly. Without your care and love in rescuing Timmy we would not have been able to be part of this precious boy’s life.

Thank you always to our caring staff and veterinarians, our volunteers who showered him with love, and everyone who loved Timmy near and far, there were so many.


Timmy has 1 Sponsor

Lisa Garcia