
In Memory of Tiptoe      10/2/2008 – 6/1/2024

The end of another era at Shadow Cats. Another of the Old Guard at the sanctuary gained his wings today, our precious Tiptoe.

Rescue groups help each other out whenever they can. So when the Austin Humane Society called one day many years ago about a friendly young cat around 3 years old they’d taken in as a stray who turned out to be feline leukemia positive, we had room and he was on his way to his new life. A life where he would be forever safe, always loved and cared for.

Tiptoe was a sweetheart and was so friendly. In the early days at the old sanctuary, he spent so much of his time in the outside enclosure, always watching and listening to all that was going on. He was very friendly, he would rub against your legs, loved to be given treats, and rolled over for the belly rubs we were so happy to give. Who knows why he ended up on the streets of Austin, but we were so glad that he found his home with us. He had lots of friends back then; one in particular, Woodrow, you could hardly tell them apart, only the notched ear on Woodrow set him apart. They were two beautiful black panthers. They were both so young and playful and very friendly. Sadly Woodrow passed several years ago.

Tiptoe was always the friendliest, cuddly boy, an absolute sweetheart, and loved by all he met, furry and human alike. As he aged a little his wonderful personality blossomed even more, and he became the Uncle figure of Cookie’s Place. He loved to be around the little ones when we had newbie kitten arrivals. He would show them the ropes and what was what and would put them in their place if he had to! He was also a caregiver; if any of his buddies were not feeling so well he could always be found cuddling with them, a paw gently laid across them telling them all will be ok. He was the best Uncle ever!

You know we love nicknames, our Tippers or Tippy Toes as most called him was the sweetest, gentlest kitty you ever wanted to meet. As well as caring for other cats, Tiptoe felt he needed to look after us humans, too. Whenever we sat with him, he would give the best head bumps, loved to snuggle at our necks, and always felt we needed to be clean and would lick our necks for us until he felt we were clean enough, such a caring, loving boy!

When we moved to the new sanctuary, Tiptoe loved the big catio and would spend hours soaking in all the sights and sounds of the outdoors, watching rabbits and squirrels, and talking to them from his side of the screen😊

How did he end up on the streets all those years ago, we don’t know, but we are blessed that Tiptoe enjoyed his best life for over 13 years at the sanctuary. He lived well and his life was full of love every day. A part of who we are, one of the Old Guard, a gaping hole is left in our hearts as we say farewell to our precious boy.

Tiptoe’s health had declined rapidly. A FeLV kitty at almost 16 years old is amazing. With leukemia, older age, and health problems, our sweet boy was tired and struggling, and his time with us had come to an end. Our final gift, a gentle passing out on the catio he loved so much, held in loving arms, surrounded by love and light and the sounds of the outdoors.

We will miss you terribly Tippy Toes, we will hold you in our hearts forever. We will cherish the memories you left us. We are all a chorus of love and support for all who come across our threshold. Little did we know 13 years ago that a stunning black panther named Tiptoe would have such an impact on our lives and steal our hearts. The joy and laughter you brought us cannot be measured. Many are waiting to greet you at the Rainbow Bridge, so say hello from us all.

Rest easy Tippy Toes, our beautiful, sweet, gentle, cuddly boy. You will always be in our hearts, precious Tiptoe.

Thanks to our amazing staff who loved Tiptoe dearly and cared for him every day. Thanks to the veterinary staff at Vista Vet and many others over the years. Thanks to our volunteers who enriched Tiptoe’s life and whose necks were always clean! And thanks to his sponsors, Cherie B, Diana J, Sara and Jesse, and Debbie P who loved him from afar.



Tiptoe had 4 Sponsors

Cherie Batsel

Diana Johnson

Sara and Jesse Cover

Debbie Patterson